Doktor S wrote:Quote:
Of course, when we make decisions we consider many different things depending upon what we are deciding about. But, those are factors, considerations, things to consider in order to make what we feel is the right and best choice.
Have you considered the possibility that the 'you' making these decisions is naught but a byproduct of 'your' environment and experience? If that was so, as seems to be the case, wouldn't 'your' decisions be naught but the a step in the chain of causality?
Perhaps, as fresco is quick to point is not just freewill that is the illusion, but also the self that perceives it.
If there is no free will and everything we are and do is just a series of chemical reactions, then your thoughts are also just the expression of chemicals interacting.
Thus your conclusions are no more likely to be right than anybody else's.
So when you dogmatically assert your belief in the 'illusion of freewill' , by your own definition, you didn't choose this position because it made sense but because your chemically driven brain forced you to.
Your arguing 'for' this position based on 'reason' or 'logic' or 'evidence' is also a sham because you can't help but do so, even if it is dead wrong.
Sort of a lemming view on reality , isn't it DS?