Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s Healing Techniques

Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 05:59 am
The Ancient History of Jesus and Mary Magdalene's Healing Techniques

The 21st century descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, like their ancestors, give free spiritual energy healing treatments to others. These ancient healing treatments use naturally occurring high frequency electro-magnetic energies to heal people of health problems. The electrical wavelengths and magnetic currents of a healthy body, when "Super-Energized", can be used to heal injuries and disease in oneself and others. An individual in the "Super-Energized" state of high frequency electro-magnetic energies, known as Enlightenment, is able to focus a flow of high frequency energy to heal injuries and disease at the sub-atomic cellular level.

All life is comprised of different electrical wavelengths of Light and magnetic currents of Love at the sub-atomic, or quantum level. In advanced multi-dimensional physics, String Theorists, Quantum Mechanics adherents and Einsteinian physicists agree that the basic substance of our universe is comprised of electro-magnetic energies. Today, Jesus and Mary Magdalene's descendants use an ancient natural healing technique which enables us to focus a flow of high frequency electro-magnetic energies to heal ourselves and others.

A spiritual energy healer is able to focus a flow of high frequency electro-magnetic energies down to the sub-atomic cellular level. High frequency spiritual energy heals people at the cellular level by replacing damaged cells with new stem cells. This process, of natural stem cell replacement therapy, combines high frequency electro-magnetic energy with an individual's DNA to naturally create new stem cells. This process enables one's body to heal itself, naturally and normally.

Naturally occurring high frequency electro-magnetic energy is used by a healthy human physical body to create and replace the cells which a human body loses each day. A healthy body naturally replaces billions of cells on a daily basis. The high frequency electro-magnetic energies used by our body to create new stem cells comes a little from the food that we eat and some from the air which we breathe, however, most of the high frequency energy which our body needs for constant cellular replacements, comes from the electro-magnetic energy fields of our Light Body.

Who we really are, is a body of Light, or a Light Body. We visit our permanent Light Body at night when our temporary physical body, (which we use to experience 3rd dimensional earthly activities), goes asleep and we dream. Our Light Body, which surrounds our physical body, is that part of us which some religions refer to as one's " Holy Spirit".

When our Light Bodies, or Holy Spirits, first began to experience incarnations into human physical bodies, all humanity was consciously connected between their permanent Light Bodies and their temporary physical bodies. During this ancient "Golden Age of Humanity", a conscious connection meant that there was no constriction of high frequency electro-magnetic energy transmissions between one's Light Body and one's physical body.

This constant connection to the high frequency energies of one's permanent Light Body meant that one's temporary physical body did not quickly wear out and/or die from disease. As described in Genesis, in Humanity's Golden Age, one's physical body lasted for hundreds of years, enabling one to enjoy a wide range of experiences in a single lifetime.

However, in their great comfort, the first ones of humanity began to focus more of their time on eating, drinking and other sensual delights of 3rd dimensional earthly life. The first ones of humanity began to neglect, and then stopped, their daily practice of the electro-magnetic energy techniques that maintained a constant energetic connection between their physical bodies and their Light Bodies.

Without their daily practice of energy balancing, people's unresolved mental and emotional problems, began to cause unpleasant situations, in themselves and between others, after only a few decades, instead of hundreds of years. In time, almost all of humanity lost their constant connection to the high frequency electro-magnetic energies of their Light Bodies. Today, life spans for human physical bodies are now only 60 to 70 years, instead of centuries, like the life spans individuals enjoyed during Humanity's Golden Age.

Fortunately, a few individuals did continue their spiritual energy techniques and retained the high frequency electro-magnetic energetic connections between their temporary physical bodies and their permanent Light Bodies. Those who continued their daily practice of high frequency energy techniques became the spiritual leaders and spiritual energy healers of their tribes and clans.

Individuals with a constant electro-magnetic connection between their Light Body and their physical body are known as Enlightened Ones. The term "Enlightenment" comes from the high frequency energy that emanates from the pineal gland of an Enlightened One. Enlightenment's constant connection between one's pineal gland, (Soul/3rd Eye), and their Light Body, (or Holy Spirit), produces a halo effect of high frequency energy around one's pineal gland that extends outward from one's head.

Those who have "eyes that see" are able to observe the high frequency electro-magnetic energies of Love and Light that emanate from an Enlightened One's pineal gland. Enlightened Ones use the constant connection between their Angelic 4th dimensional Light Body and their earthly 3rd dimensional physical body to heal others by a simple "laying on of hands".

The highest frequency electro-magnetic energy in our solar system comes from the sunlight which emanates from our sun. The sun's high frequency electro-magnetic energy creates and sustains all life on planet Earth. Our solar sun is a pure conduit for the highest frequency electro-magnetic energies of Creation, those wondrous energies that come from God's level of Pure Unconditional Love and Pure Unceasing Light.

A magnificent energy transfer process occurs between God and our solar sun. This energetic transfer, through transdimensional energy tubes, or "wormholes in space", is why the temperature on the surface of our sun, (the sun's physical body), is a mere 10,000 degrees F, while our sun's atmosphere boils at around 4,000,000 degrees F and the core of our sun, (where God's highest frequency energies enter the sun), reaches 30,000,000 degrees F.

Our sun is a "Sun of God", and this energetic relationship is why "Sun of God" worship, (in some form), has been upon planet Earth since 250,000 BC, the time when human Light Bodies, or Holy Spirits, first began incarnating into human physical bodies and experiencing life on earth's 3rd dimensional level.

In the last 250,000 years, Earth has gone through many earth changing, energy cleansings. These energy cleansings have resulted in massive earth changes, like those written up as Noah's Flood and the Tower of Babel. Earth changes have, in time, completely destroyed each and every one of the ancient civilizations who were control-oriented and prevented the exercise of free choice in life.

While many people in the western world are familiar with the history as written up in the "Old Testament of the Bible", only a few individuals know that Moses, (one of history's great spiritual leaders), had two names, like many people of his time. While this historical information is unknown to most people today, it was so well known just a few hundred years ago, that even Sigmund Freud wrote a book about Moses being a member of Egyptian royalty.

The word "Moses" means "heir", and the biblical Moses was the "heir" to the Egyptian throne. While he was later called by his "nickname" of "heir", Moses' name during his time in Egypt was Ankhnaten, the Pharaoh Ankhnaten. Moses/Ankhnaten became known for his spiritual abilities when he manifested the energies of the "One God" and used those energies to help the "chosen people", or those people who were ready, to receive high frequency, spiritually enhancing, healing energies from God's Archangelic heavenly levels of Bliss.

Our great..great grandparents Jesus and Mary Magdalene healed with, and taught others how to use, the same high frequency electro-magnetic spiritual energy healing methods that Jesus' great..great grandfather Moses did, the high frequency energies from a solar "Sun of God".

In the 12th century, a group of Guardians from the Inner Circle of the Knights Templar, used the same directions, as our ancestor Jesus did, to recover the long buried Ark of the Covenant and its priceless wealth of ancient spiritual wisdom, including the wondrous spiritual energy healing techniques used by Moses, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and others of our 4,500 year lineage. (More information on the Ark, Moses, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and others at our website.)

In 1997, the elder brother, received 3 days of visions, during which he was requested to travel and teach people how to use high frequency energies to awaken and activate their pineal gland/Soul/3rd Eye. The elder brother, a "Reiki Master" was also told in the visions to stop giving Reiki to others. Instead, the elder brother was told to develop his own pineal gland and focus a full flow of the extremely effective 5th dimensional Archangelic Bliss level healing energies, to heal people, instead of trying to heal others with the ineffective method of pulsing brief energetic bursts of 4th dimensional Angelic level Reiki symbols.

And so it was the elder brother began working with the Bliss of Archangelic energies and learned how to give effective healing treatments to others. As the elder brother drove by himself on his 18,000 mile, 3 month journey in 1997, many adventures unfolded for him. In one city, a woman came and sat in the front row of his workshop. She brought assorted manual and technological devices with her to hear the instructions how to activate her Angelic and Archangelic Light Bodies.

After the first day's workshop, the elder brother asked the woman if she would like to receive a spiritual energy healing treatment. She agreed and the elder brother gave her a high frequency healing treatment in a quiet room away from the workshop.

Upon beginning the healing mantra and using the full flow energy technique, Archangelic energies flowed into the elder brother's pineal gland and throughout his body. The heat generated by the flow of Archangelic energies increased rapidly, and after a few minutes of high frequency energy focusing, the flow of energies slowed down, indicating the healing treatment was complete.

Then, the elder brother waited a few more minutes enabling the woman to integrate the massive infusion of high frequency energies into her body before he whispered "The spiritual energy healing treatment is complete." Tears gushed forth from the woman's closed eyes as she sobbed, whispering "This is the first time in my life that I have heard a human voice without my hearing aids."

However, while the woman left healed, the elder brother observed that the next day, the woman returned with her previous day's assortment of hearing aids. Then, half way through the second day's workshop, he watched as the woman began using one of her many hearing aids. At that point the elder brother realized that an effective spiritual energy healing treatment is only part of the process needed to fully cure human dis-ease.

It took the elder brother nine more years before he could fully decipher all of the ancient healing techniques from his lineage and translate the last of the information on how to store a spiritual energy healing treatment in a jar of water. And so it was in 2006, the elder brother completed the last translation of the ancient self healing ceremony that enables one, in the comfort of their own home, to fully activate the spiritual energy healing treatment contained in a jar of Miracle Waters.

Miracle Waters includes a unique spiritual energy healing ceremony, for home use, of special self healing mantras and techniques to enable one to awaken and activate their pineal gland to heal themselves. (Further information on free Miracle Waters Healing Treatments and personal experiences from people who have been using these free spiritual energy self help ceremonies, are located under "Recent Discoveries" on our website.)

Free Spiritual Energy Healing Treatments and Miracle Waters from Jesus and Mary Magdalene's 21st century descendants are now available. Email us to receive free spiritual energy home healing treatment instructions which come with the free "Miracle Waters".
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 782 • Replies: 18
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Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 06:13 am
It is customary, when doing a blatant copy and paste job, to give the source from which you lifted your drivel. Of course, in this case, i can see why you would be wary about posting a source, since your thread would probably get pulled as constituting spam.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 09:13 am
So like do you remember in the movie Halloween 3 where like the silver shamrock mask is like all popular and stuff? And like the mask had a little chip off Stonehenge or whatever? And then when the kids put the mask on and heard the "Two more days to Halloween" song on TV like they got all muntant and crazy and dead and stuff? Remember?

I think something like that happens to you when you visit these Jesus is my grandpappy sites.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 09:28 am
The only miracle water I can recall is this:
I've recommended it to many and with outstanding results.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 11:55 am
Why were so many important things happening in 1997? Was it because I turned 35 that year?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 12:03 pm
Yes, Jespah, it's true . . . you are the center of the universe . . .

You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Deteriorata, Deteriorata)

Go placidly amidst the noise and waste, and remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof. Avoid quiet and passive persons, unless you are in need of sleep. Rotate your tires. Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself; and heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys. Know what to kiss - and when. Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three do. Wherever possible, put people on hold. Be comforted, that in the face of all irridity and disillusionment, and despite the changing fortunes of time, there is always a big future in computer maintenance.

(You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.)

Remember the Pueblo. Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate. Know yourself. If you need help, call the FBI. Exercise caution in your daily affairs, especially with those persons closest to you... That lemon on your left, for instance. Be assured that a walk through the seas of most souls would scarcely get your feet wet. Fall not in love, therefore, it will stick to your face. Gracefully surrender the things of youth: the birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan - and let not the sands of time get in your lunch. Hire people with hooks. For a good time, call 606-4311, ask for Ken. Take heart in the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese. And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could only be worse in Milwaukee.

(You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.)

Therefore, make peace with your god, whatever you perceive him to be: hairy thunderer or cosmic muffin. With all its hopes, dreams, promises, and urban renewal, the world continues to deteriorate. GIVE UP!

(You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
Whether you can hear it or not,
The universe is laughing behind your back.)

(copyright, The National Lampoon)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 12:12 pm
Thank you. I will remember the Pueblo, though I don't know why.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jun, 2006 07:49 pm
that was a huge page of pure garbage, it didnt prove andthing yet i took up 30 of my time reading it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jun, 2006 08:14 pm
In 1997, the elder brother, received 3 days of visions, during which he was requested to travel and teach people how to use high frequency energies to awaken and activate their pineal gland/Soul/3rd Eye. The elder brother, a ?Reiki Master? was also told in the visions to stop giving Reiki to others. Instead, the elder brother was told to develop his own pineal gland and focus a full flow of the extremely effective 5th dimensional Archangelic Bliss level healing energies, to heal people, instead of trying to heal others with the ineffective method of pulsing brief energetic bursts of 4th dimensional Angelic level Reiki symbols.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jun, 2006 08:16 pm
PLEEEZE PLEEEEZE PLEEEEZE-dont lock this one up. We can have a ball talking with this guy. I think he believes this stuff, and, whats even cooler, is that he thinks were as stupid as he..
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jun, 2006 08:21 pm
All life is comprised of different electrical wavelengths of Light and magnetic currents of Love at the sub-atomic, or quantum level. In advanced multi-dimensional physics, String Theorists, Quantum Mechanics adherents and Einsteinian physicists agree that the basic substance of our universe is comprised of electro-magnetic energies. Today, Jesus and Mary Magdalene?s descendants use an ancient natural healing technique which enables us to focus a flow of high frequency electro-magnetic energies to heal ourselves and others.

The winner is
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:19 am
Tinfoil (well, aluminum, at any rate) makes an excellent conductor.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:24 am
In this case, I support your invoking the "tinfoil Stetson' rule :wink:
0 Replies
tin sword arthur
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:27 am
Actually, the pyramid shape is more effective at keeping out the "bad" rays and letting the "good" ones in.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:29 am
Somehow I think bio is no longer listening
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:31 am
The basic flaw in your supposition, my dear Neo, is the inference that he was ever listening . . .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 09:35 am
t OUCH e
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Jun, 2006 02:59 pm
Im cutting out laurel leaves in a traditional Santarea blessing and purification of this site

0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jul, 2006 07:55 pm
Jesus is MY Grandpappy...
Of course, statistically speaking, if Jesus did have children we would pretty-much all be descendants by now.

I wonder if this fellow ever shopped here:


0 Replies

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