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Quote:What Jesus says In The Bible or what the Bible teaches us:
Women should learn in silence and subjugation.
Women should not teach.
Women should not have authority over men but should remain silent.
Adam and Eve were not equal in sin. Adam was not deceived but Eve was.
Women are commanded to be under obedience to men. God ordained that men shall for all time rule over women.
Women must keep silent in Churches. It is shameful for them to open their mouths therein. If they have a question they should ask their husbands before going to church and then their husbands will ask for them in the church.
A woman should neither pray nor profess with her head uncovered.
If a woman prays with her head uncovered then she might as well shave her head.
Man was created in the image and glory of God, and Woman was created in the glory of Man, thus Man must have power over her.
Any woman who delivers a male baby shall be unclean for one week. But any woman who delivers a female baby shall be unclean for TWO weeks. Thus, females make their mothers DOUBLY unclean as compared to males.
While it is possible to find one upright man in every thousand, it is impossible to find even one single upright woman in every thousand.
Woman is a snare, her heart is a trap, and her hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but she will ensnare the sinner.
If a woman had her period and touches a chair or a bed or anything else then that item immediately becomes unclean. Anyone who then touches those things shall also become unclean. They must then bathe themselves and wash their clothes because they have touched an item that a menstruous woman has touched.
Quote:What the canonized saints of Christianity said about women:
"Woman is a daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of Hell, the enemy of peace; through her Adam lost paradise" (St. John Demascene)
"Woman is the instrument which the devil uses to gain possession of our souls" (St. Cyprian)
"Woman is the fountain of the arm of the devil, her voice is the hissing of the serpent" (St. Anthony)
"Woman has the poison of an asp, the malice of a dragon" (St. Gregory)
Now Read what ISLAM says about Women...By Clicking here