But socially and psychologically speaking, is it not irresponsibe for her to enforce such control upon me!?
I already have issues with being independent and decisive, being my own person, etc., as a direct result of this pattern of control. I'm certain of it.
Knowing the dynamic between me and my mother would lead anyone to understand the way in which this lack of freedom has hindered my healthy growth into adulthood.
Now maybe I'm being biased, because I study psychology in school and on my own time, but there are psychological stages of development in which a child should form their sense of autonomy, initiative, industriousness, and identity. If a hinderance is proposed at any of these stages, the opposite of each may result; doubt, guilt, inferiority and identity confusion. With this, problems will arise, whether it is immediately or in a future stage of development.
Mind you, this Buddha ornament situation is small and seems somewhat trivial, but it truly represents much more in the grander scheme of things. It's like a confirmation of her control over me, and my lack of independence. This is clear to me and most likely my sub-conscious self.
I kind of resent this, not only being the anti-authority teenager that I am, but also because I have the insight into her motives and the detriment that they may propose on my later life.
Darn, eh? Well I guess perhaps my greater concern than a bunch of silly Buddha figurines is the lifestyle of my mother. To be slightly condesending to her and the JW people, she's either been brainwashed by a religious organization which is run by a commercial company and not so much spirituality, OR she's just being a poser and trying to establish an illusion of super-high morality and stubborness.
I'm willing to bet the latter is closer to the truth.
She's a VERY intelligent woman, who's always been one to 'go against the grain.'
Although I'm worried about the effect of all of this on her, but also myself. I wouldn't have a problem with JW-ism if it didn't reject so actively the norms of other people. Government, holidays, flags, homosexuality, tiny Buddha men!!! - they're all so attacked as if the JWs are superior to all of that.
Wow..I sound bitter. hehe.
And maybe a tad dramatic.
Sigh. Well anyway, I'm done venting.

Maybe I'll just make my 3-Buddha shrine at a friends house or in my locker at school..
Thanks for reading