Spiritually mature individuals consider dreams and visions to be as normal to life as breathing.
In a spiritually mature person, the difference between a dream and a vision is whether or not their physical body is asleep.
Dreaming happens to people when their physical body sleeps. Dreaming occurs when one's pineal gland becomes naturally activated during that portion of deep sleep which scientists call Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, or REM Sleep. A "dream" is the Awareness of an individual's brain receiving information from the Conscious Awareness of their pineal gland regarding communications, and/or travels, during the night with the Consciousness of one's Light Body, or Holy Spirit.
The pineal gland is called the mind, or Soul in the west and the 3rd Eye in the east. One's pineal gland is how one's temporary earthly 3rd dimensional physical body communicates with one's permanent 4th dimensional Angelic Light Body.
When the physical body sleeps, one's mind, or pineal gland, remains awake and aware, as the "Observer". When one's physical body goes to sleep, the Awareness of one's brain/body is transferred to the pineal gland/Soul.
One partially remembers their dreams in the morning as a series of events and/or symbols. Upon "waking", one's Awareness is transferred from the Conscious Awareness of the pineal gland/Soul back to one's brain/body. During the energetic transfer Awareness, which has been working with the Angelic 4th dimensional energies of one's Light Body, will briefly retain images of events and/or symbols as a "Dream". And so it is that people have a narrow window in time, when they first awaken, to access the information one's brain received from their mind, pineal gland/Soul/3rd Eye, regarding communications and/or travels during the night with their Light Body/Holy Spirit.
Many people have all experienced one type of dream at least once in their life. In this dream, one is falling down from a great height and suddenly, just before one slams into the ground, one wakes up startled and adrenaline is flowing through their body. In this situation, what has occurred, is that an individual was traveling in their Light Body, when a sound occurred near their physical body. The sound startled their body and the Observer, their pineal gland/Soul, pulled the Light Body back, and immediately transferred Awareness back to the physical body, so one can deal with the situation which caused the sound.
Today's scientific studies have already proven that individuals prevented from having REM Sleep for just a few days will go "insane". However, while scientists understand the "effects" of this and their other "scientific studies", scientists remain unable to explain the "causes" of the "effects" which they study in their "scientific studies". Thus, today's scientists do not know and cannot tell us the "causes" of the "effects", like what causes a person to go insane without REM Sleep.
Spiritually mature individuals experience REM communications between their body, Soul and Spirit, during Light Body activations and in deep sleep. Daily contact between a spiritually mature individual's body, Soul and Spirit, during REM Sleep and Light Body Activations enables one to receive the high frequency spiritual energies from their Light Body, that are necessary each day for the proper functioning of a human physical body, not once, but multiple times each day.
Most people today are unable to use the same high frequency spiritual meditative techniques used by spiritual adepts, such as our ancestors, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, because conservative false prophet fundamentalists hid this knowledge, (or gnosis), in "The Bowels of the Vatican", long ago.
Those who do not visit the limited access areas of the subterranean vaults, beneath the Vatican, do not even know that the secrets of Jesus are hidden there, and the very few who do know, deny that documents disclosing secrets, like the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, have ever existed. (Hidden secrets from the Vatican's subterranean vaults and recently translated discoveries are available for free at
Lacking the wisdom and techniques of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, people have come to rely on today's religious corporations, where the false prophets and their supporters need huge religious churches and auditoriums full of worshippers just to feel the basic level spiritual energies of Angelic Joy. Individuals like false prophets, and their conservative ilk, are filled with unresolved anger and driven by a desire to control the lives and free will choices of other people. Anger, and other such unresolved issues, are energetic barriers to the higher dimensional levels of Heaven. Angry people are energetically prevented from connecting to the 5th dimensional energies of Archangelic Bliss.
Those who daily activate their 5th dimensional Archangelic Light Bodies are able to connect with Archangelic level high frequency spiritual energies each day. Spiritually mature individuals who walk the razor's edge between the rigidness of religion and the sloppiness of science are able to use the energies of their activated Light Bodies to enjoy Archangelic level high frequency energies of Bliss, a level where one receives, perceives and enjoys visions.
Long ago, Native American "Coming of Age" ceremonies into manhood included a time when young men would go out into wilderness areas on vision quests. In 1990, the elder brother, (or first to awaken), of the 99th generation descendants from the 1st century marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene went on a 10 day fast and vision quest with 3 Native American shamans, a Cherokee, a Papago and a Yaqui in the Sonoran desert.
Native Americans use physical body cleansing techniques, together with chants, (or mantras), and prayers to transcend the Awareness of their physical body to access the Angelic and Archangelic dimensional levels of Heaven. After a week of fasting, sweat lodge ceremonies and jogging through the Sonoran Desert with several of the Cherokee shaman's wolves, the elder brother received a number of visions.
The elder brother knew he had attained the shamanic level of visions when he was able to use the Super Awareness level of physical body activity, which Buddhists call "Tumalo", to out run the shaman's alpha male wolf one day during a run through the desert. That same night, while meditating high in the rocks of a sacred Native American ceremonial site, he received the shamanic vision of the bat.
The bat is the shamanic symbol for spiritual transformation. And so it was that night while the elder brother was meditating around 3 am, in a wilderness location, a bat appeared to him in a vision. Upon opening his eyes in the dark, he was also surprised to find a real life bat fluttering in one place for 3 to 4 minutes, eye to eye, just 3 inches, (9 centimeters), from his face.
Visions are a normal and natural part of the lives of those special spiritually mature people who take the time to activate their Archangelic 5th dimensional Light Body each and every day. Archangelic Light Body activations awaken one's Light Body communication abilities with the Conscious Awareness of their pineal gland and the Awareness of their physical body.
Visions and dreams consist of information electro-magnetically transmitted by the Consciousness of one's Light Body, or Holy Spirit, to the Awareness of their physical body's brain by the Conscious Awareness of their mind/Soul/3rd Eye of a pineal gland. Visions and dreams occur when the Conscious Awareness of one's Soul communicates condensed brief messages about events, and/or situations, to the Awareness of their body's brain.
Images and symbols, contained in the messages of dreams and visions, are selected by one's 4th dimensional Light Body, using one's own 3rd dimensional experiences. The Light Body's Consciousness communicates condensed brief messages containing information about situations in one's life to the Awareness of one's brain using one's own 3rd dimensional experiences. This process enables a person's Awareness to ponder and decipher messages at a later time.
All experiences in one's life are electro-magnetically recorded as memories in the brain of one's 3rd dimensional temporary physical body and also in the electro-magnetic energetic Consciousness of one's permanent 4th dimensional Light Body or Holy Spirit. In this way, past images and experiences of one's own life are used by one's Angelic 4th dimensional Light Body to communicate information to one's earthly 3rd dimensional physical body.
However, people's understanding and perception of their dreams and visions will be limited to the experiences that are recorded in their physical body's Awareness and Light Body's Consciousness from events in this life. Just like in eye witness reports of a 3rd dimensional incident, many people can observe the same 5th dimensional vision, but each person will relate to the experience of their vision differently, based upon their own 3rd dimensional experiences in this life.
(Note: The reason Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas that "there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest" is because every experience in one's life is recorded in the energies of their permanent Light Body. Who we are, is what we have done. Who we are is the sum of our experiences in this life and prior lives. Our experiences in life, everything that we have done in this life and other lives, is recorded in the energy of our 4th dimensional Light Body and can be seen by anyone. In the Angelic and higher dimensional levels, one merely looks at another's Light Body and instantly knows who that individual is, by merely observing in that individual's Light Body, all of the actions performed by that individual in every lifetime, on earth and elsewhere.)
Memories of dreams and visions quickly dissipate because dreams and visions consist of high frequency Angelic and/or Archangelic images. One's dreams are electro-magnetic images consisting of extremely high frequency energies that one's 3rd dimensional Awareness received during the night from the Consciousness of their 4th dimensional Angelic Light Body. Accordingly, one can only remember their dreams, or retain the high frequency images, for as long as the Conscious Awareness of their mind and their brain's Awareness are able to maintain a high frequency link with one's Consciousness.
One's experiences, in the Angelic 4th dimension of Heaven can only be retained by the Awareness of one's 3rd dimensional brain for as long as one's 3rd/4th dimensional pineal gland is able to maintain a high frequency energetic link with the Consciousness of one's Angelic 4th dimensional Light Body. Thus, one's dreams tend to evaporate quickly in the morning, as one gets up from a 4th dimensional night's sleep to begin their 3rd dimensional daily activities.