Tico wrote:I came back to this thread to erase my post. Just my luck that the one time I want to be ignored, I'm not!
Phoenix, thank you very much, but please don't single me out. My post wasn't a cry for attention, but a simple statement of my experiences here and how I, as a relative newcomer, viewed them. On the other hand, maybe your post and my whine will do some small thing to change the direction of the site.
I'm glad you didn't get a chance to delete.
I find your posts insightful too.
Also, I agree to much of what you've said there. I, and I'm sure others have had the same experience. Especially the saying something, having it ignored, only to have someone else say the same thing and all of a sudden - ah....genius!
I know I'm guilty of taking a serious inquiry and finding the humor in it, when the poster wasn't expecting that. Personally, I find much truth in humor, and it makes that truth easier to swallow. However, I'm going to have to remember that the other poster isn't a mind reader, and doesn't realize I'm responding in my own way.
Thanks tico. We all need reminders sometimes.
If I give any thought as to A2K loosing its luster, it's because of the following....
I'm personally tired of the group that wanders around with the sole purpose of eviserating people. These same are also the experts of what I think of as "the sneak attack"
It comes out of nowhere, accomplishes nothing positive, and only serves to plunge an otherwise sound thread into a name calling bitch fest.
Now, this isn't an example of that per se...but it makes me think of a thread I posted on just last night, that's been going on for a few days....the one about having children and it's natures command and all that....I was rereading the posts when it hit me...it was obvious from my perspective the originator of the thread wasn't interested in a dialogue, just wanted to state an opinion as fact, and force others to admit the superiority of his thinking.
My last post there was...."So what's you point here?"
To me, when I post about something I feel strongly about, there's also a willingness to say..."you know, you have a point there, I'm going to need to rethink my position"
The threads/posters I find myself avoiding are the ones in which there is no dialogue, just stubborness dressed up in fancy words.