Thanks, nimh, for posting the stats. Truly, it's just a quarterly thing. Most of the site is people in the Northern Hemisphere, and it's the last half of Spring, rapidly devolving into Summer. People are off playing golf or tennis or are on vacation, students are either taking finals or just finished them and are wiped out, parents are dealing with kids who are itching for school to end, etc. etc. etc.
Craven is also working like a one-armed paper hanger on the 2.0 version of the site. Hence some of the areas where we might see resultant growth, such as responses in the Web Development forum, additions to the Portal, SEO around the 'net, etc. are being neglected in favor of development of A2K. There are just so many hours in a day.
I've been observing online communities for quite a while, and people go through stages. They start off totally excited and flabbergasted that there's so much out there to do and see. Then they settle into a niche because it's overwhelming and they want to get to know people and be known by them. Then they stay in the niche and get bored with it.
The best solution is to break out of the niche, either by taking a break from the site or trying a different niche. We'll still be here when you get back.
Anyway, here's what, for example, the International News forum looks like on its first page (keep in mind that the announcements and featured topics are on the first page):
Announcement: International News Debate Guidelines - PLEASE READ
Announcement: International News Forum
Featured: Montenegro votes for independence
Featured: Fighter plane collision - new Greek-Turkish crisis ?
Featured: German controversy over award for author Peter Handke
Featured: Turkey is demanding the US to remove its ninety B61 nuclear
Featured: [ Poll ] Orange is the new black - in politics?
Featured: Japan backs 'patriotic teaching'
Featured: Iran's Nuclear Effort: Do Western Nations Really Care?
Featured: $58m paid for 9 Iraq hostages
Featured: Leftist candidate worries Mexican elite
Featured: King of Nepal backs down.........
So what if Iran has the bomb?
Dutch Pedophile Party?
Canada Police Use Sting in Terror Arrests
I'm Sad
Anti-Muslim Dutch politicians in hiding after death threats
Riots in France
So is Germany Racist or Not?
Moved: Most part of financial investments into Georgian economy
Policy change: U.S. sets conditions for talks with Iran
Highest EU court rules airline data deal with US illegal
Azerbaijan 'flattened' sacred Armenian site
UPDATE: Press Freedom ranked by country -- surprises!
The beginning of the end? (For Tony Blair)
Good grief! Dyslexia can never visit Turkmenistan - sob!
Young man wounds 25 in Berlin knife attack
Air tycoon flies medicine into Darfur.
Americans will teach Afghans to fight
Lay and Skilling found guilty
Badges for Jews and Christians in Iran
The World's Most Beautiful Woman?
France held first Slavery Remembrance Day in an EU country
Insights on Iran.
Terror or insurgency in Uzbekistan, US Ally?
The 10 world's most under-reported stories
Pentagon Probe: US Marines Massacred Iraqi Civilians
Nazi archive to be made public for the first time
The US is planning to nuke Iranian military facilities
The cost of war
WW2 Bomb strands ferry 'cross the Mersey!
Sweden, Israel quarrel over military exercise pull-out
"British citizens in Israel are not safe..........!"
Berezovsky is pushing his own emissaries at the territory...
Massive American embassy compound started.
Untold Riches Beneath the Mediterranean
May Day - still worth marching on?
Israeli shell kills girl in Gaza
There are a lot of different, interesting topics to choose from, and the same is true of all of the other forums (even English. Really.). Don't like what we've featured? Suggest a difference by going to a topic and clicking

on any post. Don't like even those choices? Then write a topic of your own, or try a different forum.
The look and feel of this site is something you can change.