Is A2K Losing Some of its Luster?

Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 07:09 pm
I say "no sirree" IRL.

I didn't say I'm not a dork, but I say it.

A note on drama queens -- I don't mean people who have actual problems and are considering them carefully, like Freedomelf for example. I mean the ones who are spilling (or making up) their sob stories 'cause they want attention.
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Region Philbis
Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 07:35 pm
I say "no sirree" IRL.

I didn't say I'm not a dork, but I say it.

isn't it "no sirree, bob"?
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 07:43 pm
soz : any 'drama' kings welcome here ?
i'm trying to get my digital images from our south-america trip organized and onto a cd .
when ebeth was here , she started me on lexmark photo-editor and irfanview ; i didn't do too badly . even burned a sample cd with about a dozen pictures ... but when i try repeating it the next day it all goes haywire .
am i allowed to scream , holler , have a temper tantrum here ?
i'd like to be a drama king , even if only for a day !
(packing in the editing for tonight and just goof-off).
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 07:53 pm
Tico wrote:
There are definitely cliques here. I believe that's a natural trait of a maturing site with this population. But it's difficult for someone like me to break in.

I've made comments which were ignored, only to see a veteran A2Ker say essentially the same thing and be lauded. I've started a thread that went nowhere -- either because there is no genuine interest or because a veteran said it was of no concern (alpha member redirects herd). I've made sincere posts only to find out that the thread was a joke -- and felt like an idiot. I've learned from other BBs that commenting on the ubiqitous American politics or religion threads will only invite derision and scorn. These are all hallmarks of online cliques.

But maybe I just don't have the proper "intellectual quality" required.

On the other hand, I've also benefitted from some great advice and links here, learned new things, and enjoyed some debates (if I ignore the posts by the cut'n'paste monsters and the single-issue belligerent ones).

Somedays, it's just easier to play a few games, or enjoy the humour of the regulars.

Sorry you had that array of things happening, Tico, and I apologize if I was part of it. On the other hand, I have thought of you as a long termer from the first time I noticed one of your posts, and I think that was probably early in your posting here. I'd guess the majority of us feel ignored sometimes and have someone who posted the same thing after us have it be picked up and lauded. I am sort of famous to myself for posting sincerely in a joke thread (lashes self anew). I've gotten slightly better at not doing that over time, I say sincerely.

On A2K going downhill in a handbasket, welllll, we've had threads about that from early days. It waxes and wanes, somewhat from natural phenomena like summer north of the equator, and somewhat from the appearance of various newbies/and loss, temporary or longterm, of thoughtful or wacko or fun oldies. Seems to me we garner some terrific newbies sort of routinely, knock on wood. Sort of a kaleidoscope going on, and the kaleidoscope will probably get more complex with the new version that is being birthed by Craven and associates.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 08:01 pm
With time, it appears that A2K has lost some of it's friendliness and welcoming nature.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 08:07 pm
Tico wrote:
There are definitely cliques here. I believe that's a natural trait of a maturing site with this population. But it's difficult for someone like me to break in.

I've made comments which were ignored, only to see a veteran A2Ker say essentially the same thing and be lauded. I've started a thread that went nowhere -- either because there is no genuine interest or because a veteran said it was of no concern (alpha member redirects herd). I've made sincere posts only to find out that the thread was a joke -- and felt like an idiot. I've learned from other BBs that commenting on the ubiqitous American politics or religion threads will only invite derision and scorn. These are all hallmarks of online cliques.

But maybe I just don't have the proper "intellectual quality" required.

On the other hand, I've also benefitted from some great advice and links here, learned new things, and enjoyed some debates (if I ignore the posts by the cut'n'paste monsters and the single-issue belligerent ones).

Somedays, it's just easier to play a few games, or enjoy the humour of the regulars.

You have made some very accurate, IMHO, observations. You will find that it is not the length of time that makes you part of the "group", but rather your mindset.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 08:37 pm
'Nother aside to nimh - I think a lotta folks use the big portal sites as home, or start, pages - I know Googles my start page, for instance, for all my machines and all my vartious different browsers - I open a browser, I'm on Google - so for lotsa folks, any time they connect to the net, they start at one of the biggies. Also, Google is my default search engine - any search I run starts with Google. I may use a different engine if I'm not happy with what Google serves me, but its the first one I turn to.

And I think 'net usership is growing, but the stats we're looking at in those charts have to do with how its used - more folkks are using it, of course, but useage patterns don't show much fluctuation; the really active sites are growing pretty much apace with the 'net's overall growth - at least that's how I read it. Interesting ranking you came up with there too, quite different from the one I found -apparently, who's where in the list depends on who you ask Laughing
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 08:49 pm
Yeh, google is my home page. All the usual suspects like msn and yahoo are too ad-iferous for me to face at first glance at the computer.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 09:09 pm
nimh wrote:
....And I don't like drama queens, no sirree.

Ah, c'mon, not even just a little? :wink:

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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 10:07 pm
ossobuco wrote:
...I am sort of famous to myself for posting sincerely in a joke thread (lashes self anew)...

It's even worse when you think it's a joke thread, join in the fun, and find out that everyone was serious. Embarrassed No it has happened, but it could...

I'm not an experienced on-liner (is that a word?), in fact I had never touched the internet until 3 years ago. However, of the BBs that I've joined since then, each one that has passed its 'honeymoon' period has had threads bemoaning the current state of affairs and looking back on the glory days. Growing pains, and probably the sign of a successful on-line club.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 10:07 pm
Tico wrote:
There are definitely cliques here. I believe that's a natural trait of a maturing site with this population.

That's a natural phenomenon of human interaction - anywhere. The way I see this website, if there is any real clique, that clique would be the active members, the participants, the contributors. There's no test to pass or anything like that; you wanna be active, be a participant, be a contributor, just do it - otherwise you're pretty much locking yourself into watching other folks do it.

But it's difficult for someone like me to break in.

Is it? Or might it be you feel it is, that you are uncomfortable among folks who apparently know one another much better than they know you? This is an open discussion forum - that means discussion is open to anyone. See something you wanna comment on? Comment on it. Think someone challenging your comment is off base? Defend your comment, challenge the counter comment.

I've made comments which were ignored,

Happens to me allatime, partner, allatime. Rolling Eyes

only to see a veteran A2Ker say essentially the same thing and be lauded.

Know where you're comin' from here, too - only from a slightly different perspective. Ain't an awful lotta folks here more "Veteran" here than me, any way you wanna measure that, and sometimes I'll write out something that gets no apparent notice, then see some upstart young whippersnapper (by comparison, understand :wink:) come along, say pretty much the same thing and drive a discussion on for pages and pages. Oh, well - it happens ... to everybody.. . that's life on the 'net.

I've started a thread that went nowhere

<chuckle> - I've got scores of those to my credit, too Rolling Eyes

-- either because there is no genuine interest or because a veteran said it was of no concern (alpha member redirects herd).

Now lets look at that - OK, if there's no interest, there's no interest. Mebbe it could be brought up again in a different manner, or from a different perspective - mebbe it was the presentation, not the product, that didn't grab the market. For your second point, an "alpha member" shutting down a topic, that's gotta be your fault if you let it happen; if you have a point to make, make it, if you have an opinion to voice, voice it. If you get flack, give it right back - somebody says "that's the silliest idea I've ever seen", demonstrate that it is not silly, and why. If you wanna drive a thread, drive it - if you don't, one of 2 things will happen; either somebody else will drive it, or it will go nowhere.

I've made sincere posts only to find out that the thread was a joke -- and felt like an idiot.

Once again, partner, the club in which you find yourself has more members by far than you realize; we all screw up, and some are much more persistent at that than others - doesn't stop 'em, though Laughing

I've learned from other BBs that commenting on the ubiqitous American politics or religion threads will only invite derision and scorn. These are all hallmarks of online cliques.

Well, they're hallmarks of online discussions involving politics or theology, that's for sure, apart from any consideration of clique. The play here gets rough sometimes, some folks play pretty hard, but there are rules, and there are referrees and umpires on the field to keep the play within the rules. Anyone can throw a flag on a play; thats what the "Report Button" is for. Say whatever you care to say - within the rules, of course - and expect that anyone else might say whatever that one cares to say. Particularly in the "Heavy Lifting" threads - politics, philosophy, religion, current events, that sorta thing, there is very little "Me Too" club going on; its debate, argument, contentiopn, and dissention, opposing views, exchange of ideas. Doesn't matter a bit if what you say is popular, what matters is how you say it, how you develop it, how you support it. If yours is the minorioty point of view, so be it (and if anybody here knows from minority point of view, that'd be me Mr. Green )... your job is just that much more challenging if you care to stay with a, participate in, contribute to, profit from, enjoy the discussion. Any decision to stay or to tuck your tail between your legs and run away from the fray is yours entirely.

But maybe I just don't have the proper "intellectual quality" required.

Poppycock - ain't no such thing, really; its attitutude, more than anything else in that regard, that carries you through adversity.

On the other hand, I've also benefitted from some great advice and links here, learned new things, and enjoyed some debates (if I ignore the posts by the cut'n'paste monsters and the single-issue belligerent ones).

Somedays, it's just easier to play a few games, or enjoy the humour of the regulars.

That's sorta the whole point of being here; do what entertains you. If you enjoy the rough&tumble of debate, and you can hang in on a debate civilly and topically, go right ahead - if you feel like it. If you'd rather do game threads, or diversion/digression/chatty threads, do that. If you like one-one-one interaction with a broad spectrum of folks from all walks of lfe, from all over the planet, expressing all points of view, here you are. This sie is what you make of it, what you get from it depends entirely on what you bring to it and what you expect from it.

If ya ain't havin' fun, yer doin' it wrong.

That's my attitude, anyhow.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 10:08 pm
nimh wrote:
Thoughtful clown ... drama queen. See thats my yin and yang right there, and they be battlin', always. I just hope the thoughtful clown wins often enough. Cause I like thoughtful clowns. And I don't like drama queens, no sirree.

Couldn't you be a thoughtful clown queen?

Gargamel wrote:
I must be a total loser--okay, I'm sure that I am--because wherever I go, it seems nothing is as cool as it once was.

At every restaurant I've worked, apparently I should've been there when ________(enter nickname, something along the lines of "Moose" or "Goober") worked there: "Man, it was the best. I remember when Moose chased this bitch into the street with a meat cleaver, then we went out back and got totally baked, and the cops showed up, and we were all stoned and..."

Yeah, those were the days.

I used to hang out in Wicker Park, Chicago, and of course "The yuppies [were] displacing all the artists, bro. This place ain't what it used to be."

And here at school, it was so awesome when Barry Hannah was an assistant prof, but now the writing program blows, blah blah blah.

I understand the inclination, though. The past has such a luster when it's not now. Seriously.

Heehee...whoodathunk Koolaid would be a coolbuster!!!

Put some more icecubes in the pitcher?

But, jokes aside, you speak sooth.

Nothing glimmers like the so so present, once distance has lent its magic to reality.
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 10:34 pm
timberlandko ~ it's late and I'm tired, so I won't go over your lengthy post. Although it's directed at me, I know it applies to all. Just let me say: You're right (mostly). I simply need to post more, because to know me is to love me Mr. Green
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 10:45 pm
Tico wrote:
I simply need to post more, because to know me is to love me Mr. Green

There ya go - that's what I've been doing for years - I figure eventually its gotta work Laughing
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Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2006 10:50 pm
Oh, and Tico - no need to be formal, just plain timber is what most folks call me - when they aren't hurling epithets my way Mr. Green

Another thing - you'll notice no doubt I'm a terrible typist - I don't much let that bother me either :wink:
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:25 am
I've just spent SO much time in constructing a post, saying why I love A2K and how marvellous it is blah de blah....pressed "submit" and had obviously been logged out (time expiry or something?). When I logged back in, the post had gone...nothing .. nada .. rien......Now I wil walk round the garden and try to locate the cat so I can kick it.

(I also explained why I was not up to par, yesterday..but whatever)

I thought that whilst I was actively typing a post, I would remain logged in. Obviously not. Tip for the future? Copy long posts before submitting.

Anyway, I basically love you all.

Now, where's that cat?
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the prince
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:28 am
nimh wrote:
.... And I don't like drama queens, no sirree.

And I thought he loved me.... Sad
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:34 am
I just got the mister sheen out and gave the screen a wipe.

This forum looks as good as new now.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:38 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
I've just spent SO much time in constructing a post, saying why I love A2K and how marvellous it is blah de blah....pressed "submit" and had obviously been logged out (time expiry or something?). When I logged back in, the post had gone...nothing .. nada .. rien......Now I wil walk round the garden and try to locate the cat so I can kick it.

(I also explained why I was not up to par, yesterday..but whatever)

I thought that whilst I was actively typing a post, I would remain logged in. Obviously not. Tip for the future? Copy long posts before submitting.

Anyway, I basically love you all.

Now, where's that cat?

You toucha da cat, I breaka you face.
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 01:40 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Now, where's that cat?

"Where's a Cat When You Need One?"

I think that cat is a pussy...
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