Since I know both, the computer and Mrs. Steve ...
(Mrs. Steve isn't slow at all!)
..sich auf duennes Eis begeben.
I looked it up. Almost the same in both languages, the idiom I mean.
Sorry for interrupting.
So that's what he's been up to all night!
I think I understand Rosamund, but the computer is sort of compelling - once one is sat down in front of it - it sort of takes over!
Henyway I am falling asleep at it so I think I had better give in gracefully. I think actually that I should put a bid in for the early slot on the damn computer cos what I usually get is the dregs of the evening! Whoops this is getting personal!!
Goodnight All x
For those under any illusions, it is this computer which is far too slow for Mrs Generalfeldmarshall Rosamund, rather than the other way round. Phew glad to clear that one up, might live another few days now.
Steve, We'll keep watch on your postings to make sure your life has not been compromised.
Hello everybody....we have just got back in from a night away in a hotel...UU Summer Ball....the Marriott at Preston, very nice, nice grounds, sunlit morning as we left...should have gone on the Blackpool to see the sea actually, as we were close by, instead of coming straight home...via the dress hire shop actually....Germans don't hire evening wear, i think, but we do....I don't go to enough functions to make it worth buying my own monkey suit....and my waist size keeps changing would have been nice on Blackpool prom this morning...but here we are back home time to see "Football Focus", hooray...still a nice, sunny morning.
McTag, I know what you mean about the foreever changing waist size. However, when my wife and I did a cruise to the Panama Canal a few years ago on the Cyrstal Harmony, I bought a tux just for the occasion. I don't think that tux will fit if I tried to use it today. LOL c.i.
i shall be in London from oct.2-5th, staying at the Chelsea Hotel, smack in the middle of the center, or so I hope. Would love to see some london-ites while i'm at it.
Dagmar, I hear you. We live about 250 miles away from London, so it's a bit awkward for us getting there. I wouldn't like you to be unescorted, though. Later.
It would be great to meet you. Please give me the post code of the Chelsea hotel.
How long are you in England for? Are you planning to go anywhere else besides London.
I really would like to come, but ...
Next London Meeting
I'm about on the 2nd October but I'm then off to Boston/New York on the 3rd for 10 days.
I hope we can manage to meet.
Hello all - back from the mists of time and the mists of West Yorkshire for the moment. Holidays next week but good to be back in London and have access to a2k for this week!
I am in Prague till October 3rd.......
Can't do 4th, but can certainly try 5th !
DAMN !!!
KP is that really you ?????????
KP's back...back again!
It's been a LONG time.
Good to see you all!
Boy, KP, they do bury you don't they? I always had the strange idea I was a hard worker in my days. LOL
Welcome, Pete - nice to see you again - and glad, you're back!
Ok, ok, i think we leave sunday 5th in the evening, so there is a chance i could make it for lunch, though i may be terribly hungover after a wedding - there is a party on a thames river cruise!!! and on friday, we arrive in mid morning, probably will need to sleep a bit, but latish afternoon is a possibility. will post details later.
gautam, back to prague, ay?
KP, i live in boston, so if you can't make it, i can meet you there after the 5th! what you been up to lately?
... there's a fligh to Stansted in the morning and from Stansted in the evening from/to our local airport PAD ...
No, Mrs. Walter, this is not serious. Yes, I can delete it. No, I'm not going completely mad ... ...
KP, what the hell is there to do in Yorkshire for weeks and weeks? No, don't tell me, I don't want to know.