Two thousand years ago, our great
great grandfather Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets and you will know them by the fruit which they bear".
An individual leading a church may appear to be a true prophet by the words which they use, the clothes which they wear and the place from where they preach, but if their fruit, or their followers, cannot heal others and do not receive visions of Archangels, then that individual is a false prophet.
A false prophet is any leader of a church who is unable to teach their followers how to communicate directly with God and receive celestial visions of Archangels. All church leaders are false prophets who say that they represent Jesus but who are unable to teach their followers how to heal others like our ancestors, Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
A True Prophet works with God and thus is able to teach others the techniques so they too can communicate directly with God, and they may also develop the inner sight of "eyes that see" and/or the inner hearing of those with "ears that hear".
Those who only see, hear and/or feel with the limited senses of their physical body live in great poverty because they do not fully experience life and they have nothing to take with them after the death of their physical body.
However, those who attain the wonders of inner sight and/or inner hearing/feeling have permanent wealth, that they take with them, when their temporary physical body dies. Those who live life in the Enlightenment of their Conscious Awareness enjoy earthly happiness in their body, Angelic Joy in their Soul and Bliss in their Holy Spirit, (or physical body, pineal gland/3rd Eye and Light Body). These are the ones who will take their wealth with them at their physical body's death.
The elder brother of the 99th generation of Jesus and Mary Magdalene's descendants recently became a True Prophet after only 60+ years of difficult spiritual tests and living the last five years, in isolation, as a hermit.
The elder brother was raised a Roman Catholic and went to the Vatican in the early 1980s. However, even though he was invited, and participated, in one of the Pope's Masses, the elder brother still felt spiritually empty until he went beneath the Vatican and found truth. Upon realizing the magnitude of the truth he found beneath the Vatican, the elder brother left Rome, and never participated in another Mass or ever again attended any type of a Christian church service.
Once one finds truth, their life is forever changed. The elder brother then began a long spiritual journey of self discovery and after many years, in 1996, he received three days of visions. Then, in 1997, he received another three days of visions, during which he was requested to travel and teach others the techniques which he have been taught in various visions during the last year.
One has to pass many spiritual tests in order to become a True Prophet. Such tests are extremely difficult, and quite hard on one physically, mentally and/or emotionally. A True Prophet must fully heal themself before they can properly teach others, because a True Prophet must have True Knowledge of what they teach to others.
A True Prophet like our ancestor Jesus had to die on the cross and resurrect his body in order to have True Knowledge of life after death. The fact that others helped to revive his physical body does not negate his experience of death or his resurrection. True Prophets who teach life after death must first personally experience death in order to have True Knowledge of the death process and life after death.
Jesus combined his personal experience of death and his wisdom of death into True Knowledge of death and life after death. Unfortunately, many people continue to be confused by the Roman Empire's false image of Jesus' life, where he is depicted dying, resurrecting and Ascending in just three days, rather than the fact that the entire process occurred over a period of years and that Jesus did Ascend into Light, or walk with God, but it was later in his life.)
In 1999, just prior to leaving to teach in Europe for 3 months, the elder brother had a vision that if he went to teach in Europe, he would not return alive. It was with this foresight that the elder brother began teaching 33 people in Geneva, Switzerland, the Angelic and Archangelic Light Body, or Holy Spirit, Activation Techniques, in his first teaching session of the trip.
The elder brother suffered 12 heart attacks during his two days of teaching in Geneva, but by using his own self healing techniques, no one at the gathering even knew that he was having difficulties, even when a heart attack occurred while he was speaking. No one saw that his right hand reach over with a healing crystal to give himself a spiritual energy healing treatment to his heart, while he distracted people by simultaneously moving his left hand around and explaining details about the activation techniques.
After the Geneva teaching engagement, the elder brother went to the Knights Templar built cathedral at Chartres, France. After observing how people in the church would walk up to the famous Black Madonna statute, stop for a moment to say a prayer, touch the bottom of the left side of the statue and then exit to their left, the elder brother followed the same procedure. However, upon returning to the far back of the area, he closed his eyes, used his inner senses to communicate with Mary through prayer and said, "Mary, I didn't feel a thing".
Immediately, he received Mary's reply, "Go the other way". The elder brother went back up to the statue, touched the right side and immediately received an immense bliss filled flow of the healing energies of God's Unconditional Love and Unceasing Light. Bliss filled his entire body, and instantly healed him of the heart problem, as he exited to the right.
Other such exciting adventures also unfolded for him during his European trip. However, his biggest test would come at the end of his trip in Holland.
The last part of the trip was a one week session in The Netherlands to train those who would teach others the Holy Spirit, or Light Body, activation techniques. This training session was being held in a former Catholic convent that had been dedicated to Mary. After traveling all night and morning to get to Holland, the elder brother went out to get some lunch upon arriving at the convent. He walked into town, but not speaking Dutch, he pointed to pictures of meals to order his meal.
A strange teaching event in the prior week still prevented the elder brother from smelling or tasting. Thus, the elder brother was unable to smell or taste that the gravy on his chicken was not gravy, but a peanut sauce. After consuming several bites of food covered with the peanut sauce, the elder brother's extremely severe peanut allergy caused the immediate death of his physical body.
As his body died from toxic shock poisoning, his head and shoulder slumped against the chair. All of his life force energies then gathered at his Soul's connection to his Light Body, or Holy Spirit, and he said a final prayer and requested just a weeks more of life to complete his teaching of those who would teach others, stating that they had come long distances, (one from Thailand), to learn how to help others.
While the elder brother traveled through the "Tunnel" into his Light Body, he was able to return and was given additional time. Due to the grave condition of his body, it took him an hour or two to complete the mile walk back to the convent. Finding no one else around, he decided to take a shower because after traveling all night, he did not want others to have to dispose of a stinking dead body, for having to get rid of a foreigner's dead body would be hard enough on people.
The showers and toilets of the convent were far from his room and as he walked the long corridor, his body parts were giving out due to the effects of the poison. The elder brother was now dragging one leg because it had stopped working. He was also wishing that he had taken time to say goodbye to his daughter and wondering if he was going to live long enough to reach the shower when suddenly from an alcove in the corridor, Mary leaped in front of his face, screamed as loud as possible and immediately disappeared.
Adrenaline flowed through his physical body as the classic "Fight or Flight" syndrome immediately caused a surge of adrenaline. Suddenly the elder brother felt better and he was no longer dragging his leg. It was several days later before the elder brother realized that the adrenalin released by Mary's screaming appearance had literally saved his life. And so it was that the elder brother gained True Knowledge of death and life after death.
The elder brother over the last five years has healed himself naturally of a variety of injuries, in order to gain the True Knowledge of both wisdom and personal experience. Over five years, the elder brother was challenged to self heal himself of a variety of injuries to go with his wisdom of healing injuries previously received in visions, resulting in a wealth of True Knowledge in healing.
The elder brother recently became a True Prophet and continues to live today as a hermit in seclusion. In isolation, his unceasing prayers and frequent Light Body Activations enable him to work with the highest levels of Creation and continue to bring forth additional ancient wisdom and techniques, including this year's Miracle Waters.
The elder brother became fully awakened to being a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene several years ago when he bilocated with a group to the Ark of the Covenant's Stone of Destiny. There with a group of descendants, the elder brother activated his DNA ancestral memories, just like our great
great grandfather Jesus did at Glastonbury, England, long ago, while studying at a Druid university, as described on our website and in the "Secret History of Jesus" book.
(Note: The Stone of Destiny comes from the Ark of the Covenant, carried to Ireland/England by the Princess Tamar and the Old Testament's biblical prophet Jeremiah, after they had buried the Ark of Covenant, (circa 585 B.C.), just prior to the fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldean/Babylonians. The real Stone of Destiny from the Ark of the Covenant is not to be confused with the piece of a building on display in an Edinburgh castle.)
The Stone of Destiny's activation of the elder brother's DNA ancestral memories enabled him to re-discover the ancient Whole Brain Thinking Techniques used by Jesus and Mary Magdalene. These wondrous techniques are now offered for free at the website.
The Stone of Destiny's Activation of ancestral memories has also enabled the elder brother to compile heretofore secret information about our ancestors that is now available on our website.
If you wish to determine if you are a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, merely listen to the four words repeated during the free sound oriented DNA Activation Test on our website.
If you wish to try the ancient Whole Brain Thinking Techniques of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, these amazing techniques are available for free from our website.
If you wish to be healed, email us and you can receive free Miracle Waters Healing Treatments.
A 99th Generation Descendant