Penis talk
The fact that men have a life long love affair with their penis is very true. My wife strokes my ego by telling me I have a "nice cock." I agree. It's long, thick, and above average, which gets the wife where shes going every time. What titelates and dismays me however, are the fantasies I have about having My long thick erection cut off while having sex. Preferably after I have just ejaculated. I have the same kinds of fantasies about having My cock castrated. This always involves two women. First I have sex with the women who will perform the cutting. Then she castrates me from behind as I ejaculate into the other. While I have no real desire to be emasculated I none the less have these fantasies. I love having a penis and testicles, and the pleasure they give My wife. I have explored the reasons I have these emasculation fantasies for years, and have come to accept the fact they are not going away any time soon.
I applaud your open discussion, but I can't contribute to your understanding of your dream sequence other than to guess it relates to your fear of losing your genitals.
From observing women adjust to the loss of a breast, one wonders whether men would have more difficulty with the loss of genitals.
Penis talk
Thanks for respecting My feelings on the subject of My sexuality. I think some people would post a hostile reply to a man opening up about his sexual fetishes. Thats all it is, a fetish. Not a deep seeted fear or need, just a querky sexual thing that happens, and I accept it as such. The thing to do here is not to read into it too much. Thats what I've found works the best from exploring My own feelings on the subject. After all fetish is a behavior we engage in while in the privacy of our own homes. As for dealing with loss. I find it amusing when people make comparisons bettween a mans sexual organs, and a womans mammary glands. The point here is there is no comparison what so ever. Your comparing apples to oranges. A mans penis and testicles are sexual organs that are the physical definition of his sexuality. His genitals have allot to do with his gender identity.
Breasts, or mammary glands, developed on human beings as a way of feeding their young. It has only been in recent centuries that humanity has fixated on the breasts as a sexual object.
When you suggested how damaging the loss of a mans genitals would be it would more closely resemble how damaging it would be for a woman to have a hysterectomy. This would be the more accurate comparison to make bettween the sexes.
By the way I think it would be obvious that a woman could more easily part with her mammary glands than a man could with his sexual organs.
It's ok.
I fantasize about banging a midget, then cutting off one of her stumpy arms with a table saw. Then I smear some of the blood on my face like war paint, and run down the street yelling I'm an Indian midget f#cker over and over.
"When you suggested how damaging the loss of a mans genitals would be it would more closely resemble how damaging it would be for a woman to have a hysterectomy. This would be the more accurate comparison to make bettween the sexes."
burdizzo, I agree...
I asked someone the other day, "Hey, whatever happened to Mapleleaf?"
The person responded, "Have you checked any of the penis threads? She seems to hang around them quite a bit."
So, apparently my friend gave me some good information.
How ya' doing Mapleleaf?
I'm doing better....I'm a male now....I guess it's been 65 years...I keep thinking I need to use a Kotex...somewhere.....
I watched a very good documentary on HBO last night called Sexual Intelligence. There was lots of discussion on the lost beauty of the penis.
Where did the penis lose it's beauty?
I've always considered my penis to be damn good-looking. Sometime I dress him up and he looks just like Clark Gable.
littlek wrote:Where did the penis lose it's beauty?
In modern day. Think about it. People flipped out when they displayed the David with his penis hanging out, and he is stone. Full frontal for guys doesn't exist unless it's XXX. People are embarrassed at underware ads with "the buldge". The penis used to be (for better term) revered. It was the ultimate sign of masculinity. In fact, I think it was Pompeii that the young boys wore little carved penises around their necks.
There is an island in the South Pacific where little carved wooden vaginas hang over entrances to huts.
Oh and Gus, I think your penis is quite handsome when he wears his little cravat.
littlek, lets start a stone penis necklace club, you and me.
Ok! Oh.... let me see if I can find some pictures....
littlek wrote:Ok! Oh.... let me see if I can find some pictures....
I have a picture...but it's a little too big to wear around your neck