Mon 29 May, 2006 06:50 am
Russia had banned Georgian sour thing which they called by mistake wine. And no one else wants to buy it.
But USA managed to turn this situation to their advantage. They've found market even for this piece of ****. Of course Yankees never do good deeds unselfishly. Georgia would get this market just after its open support of future US Iranian military campaign.
Then after establishing of temporal power there Georgia would receive monopoly for wine business in Iran. I don't know what they are counting on. May be they think that Iranians are so stupid that can't distinguish good wine from vinegar? Or "free" Iranian people would so grateful to their "liberators" that they'll be glad to bear even such malicious insult as flood of sour nasty liquid in their home market?
If someone would try to make me drinking that **** I would rebel at once and would give those stinkpots hell.
good taste is timeless. perhaps some images of the plastic flamingos in my yard would demonstrate good taste?
So if i'm following this correctly, the United States will invade Iran so that the Georgians, with the conivance of the Russians, can force the Persians to drink bad wine?
It certainly constitutes a new argument on the topic of American military intervention in Iran, i'll give you that.