TEX I'll give it a try
satt_focusable wrote:An ordinary person hears a sound and a person with mental disorder can hear the same sound.
Hearing sounds or voices cannot distinguish the two.
satt, I respect your opinions, so can you explain please why "Hearing sounds or voices cannot distinguish the two." That is, between an ordinary person and a person with mental disorder.
You cannot think Socrates was mentally disordered on the reason that he was listning to his inner voices.
The "voices" heard by a schizophrenic are not the same as those heard by a nonschizophrenic.
Managing schizophrenia - a guide
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Most people with schizophrenia hear voices, especially when they are unwell. There may be one or more voice, which may be recognised as the voice of a relative or friend, or apparently belong to a complete stranger. The voices tend to say unpleasant things about the person hearing them, may give them commands to do things or may even speak the sufferers own thoughts. These are very unpleasant experiences. The best available explanation of voices is that they are the person's own thoughts which are not recognised and, therefore, heard as though from someone else.
If the voices are mild or transient, it may help simply to try to distract yourself away from them and focus on doing a particular activity. If the voices are more severe and persistent, it may help to listen to music or watch television, or to take an extra dose of your antipsychotic medication (although this would be best discussed with whoever prescribes your medication in advance). As with paranoid feelings, however, an increase in the severity and persistence of the voices may indicate that you are becoming unwell again, and it is probably wise to discuss this with your general practitioner, care worker or psychiatrist. It may be that you need a slightly higher dose of medication for some time. Most voices tend to respond at least partly to antipsychotic medication. Some people will have voices that do not get better with antipsychotic medication and may benefit from cognitive therapy for them (if that is available locally).
An hallucination is the experience of hearing things, seeing things, or smelling things that are not seen, heard, or smelt by other people. Hearing voices when nobody is in the room is a very common symptom of schizophrenia. The voices seem quite real and may appear to come from outside your head or from the next room. Sometimes the voices may seem to come from inside a person's head or, more rarely, from a part of the body.
An hallucination is hearing, seeing or smelling things that are not seen, heard, or smelt by other people.
Q. Have you heard voices when there is nobody around? What did the voic
Sometimes people with schizophrenia will talk in a way that is difficult to follow. Occasionally people will make up unusual words or use unusual expressions. Sometimes they may speak very little and be almost impossible to communicate with.
Above link
Re: Voices
nelsonn wrote:On CNN it was ropertedthat a woman stoned her three sons, killing two and leaving the third severely injured, because "voices" or "the Lord" told her to. We are horrified, but what should we think of Abraham?
I would suspect that Abraham was suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration at the time he hear the voices. Likewise possible, that Abraham was experiencing a psychotic break with "reality".
husker wrote:Should I be weary of the ringing of my ears ?

Have you consulted an audiologist?
NH - have you been reading all the replies?? LOL ROTFLMAO
New Haven..
You might be able to dignose Socrates.
Tex-Star wrote:There is a really great difference between this poor woman's "voices" telling her to kill her children, and Abraham's inner voice commanding him to kill his son that he so loved. Abraham's "voice" stopped him before the act of killing his son could be committed. Why would anyone have a problem distinguishing between the two "voices?" The woman suffers from mental illness, Abraham did not or his son would have been dead.
The only feeling I have for this poor woman is an overwhelming sympathy. I wonder why some must suffer so. Yes, hearing "voices" is typical to schitzophrenia.
Husker, I can rid the pain and sounds in my ears by taking a rather large (2000 unit) dose of Vitamin C. Guess its caused by "allergies." Possibly molds. Who knows, works for me but not always anyone else I know.
Abraham stopped hearing voices, when the sun went down and he drank some water. Works everytime, when you're over heated and dehydrated.
When I get up in the morning I always hear some phrases of music in my mind. What could be the difference between the voice and music?
The voice has a human origin via the spoken word, the music does not.
Is your opinion backed by some experiences?
What about when music is a song?
A song being sung by a human voice?