detano inipo wrote:The genie is out of the bottle. Too late to turn the jihad ship around.
When 9/11 happened, the whole world was shocked and asked the US: how can we help.
That, in my opinion, included the majority of Muslims who are peaceful people. Bush decided to say something like: You are either with us or with the terrorists. He attacked and destroyed Iraq and some of his soldiers made cruel mistakes.
All that led to wholesale hatred in the Muslim camp. We have now doubled or tripled the number of Muslim fanatics. The occupation has turned into a bloodbath.
It looks grim for those who are thinking of returning to a normal co-existance with the Muslim world. The fanatics on both sides have made a mess of it.
What about before 9-11?
Were the peaceful Muslims shocked and did they ask to help when Saudi Arabia was established by the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Muslims throughout the Arabian pennisula?
Were they shocked and did they ask to help when they began murdering Jews in the British Mandate of Palestine?
Were they shocked and did they ask to help when Algerian warlords butchered again hundreds of thousands of Algerian Muslims in their efforts to seize control of Algeria?
The Turkish extermination of Armenians?
In their war of extermination against the establishment of Israel?
The wars between Egypt and Libya?
The massacre of almost a million Sudanese by Sudanese Muslims?
The million or so that died in the war between Iraq and Iran?
The hijackings and murders by communist fascists all over the world in the name of some sort of Socialist Arab Palestine?
The torture, murder and imprisonment of tens of thousands in Iran who disagree with the theocracy?
The first World Trade Center bombing?
The American Embassies that were blown up?
The list is literally endless and the carnage sweeps from one end of the globe to the other.
Islamic fanatical Jihaddis are not products of the United States invading Iraq.
They are Islamic cults with deep roots in Islamic history.
And, now, in today's world, they are actually threatening the safety and prosperity of mankind.
So, my question is - short of war and using their own savage tactics against them, how can they be stopped? Reformed? How can Islam change?