Wed 17 May, 2006 04:48 pm
Here's another useful link
Exciting book - A real page turner. But a work of fiction.
Yes, it's important that no one be allowed to tell fables about our Fable. If we allow fictions about our Fiction to circulate, some will begin to figure out that we believe in make-believe.
Joe(just keeping in real)Nation
neologist wrote:Exciting book - A real page turner. But a work of fiction.
You're referring to those books featured in the first link, right? Or the Bible?
My next door neighbour's surname is Ofnazareth. Do you think he may be a descendant?
His wife looks divine, by the way. Does that help?
Nah, scrub that. I've just found out that his first name is Tarquin.
Lord Ellpus wrote:Nah, scrub that. I've just found out that his first name is Tarquin.
Tarquin ? ! ? ! ?
Isn't Tarquinius Superbus, by chance, is it?
Setanta wrote:Lord Ellpus wrote:Nah, scrub that. I've just found out that his first name is Tarquin.
Tarquin ? ! ? ! ?
Isn't Tarquinius Superbus, by chance, is it?
Isn't that the new camping tourer, from General Motors?
Yes, but they've been banned in Italy.
Phoenix wrote:I really look askance a religion whose underpinnings apparently are so fragile that a work of fiction will send the faith's powers-that-be into a defensive hissy fit.
Perhaps deep down many think all this silliness about full body resurrection and virgin birth is pure nonsense. They're afraid many others will think it nonsense as well. After all it was all there in one form or another in pagan religions.
They do seem very insecure.
Tarquin Ofnazareth. Gotta love somebody with a name like that.
xingu wrote:Phoenix wrote:I really look askance a religion whose underpinnings apparently are so fragile that a work of fiction will send the faith's powers-that-be into a defensive hissy fit.
Perhaps deep down many think all this silliness about full body resurrection and virgin birth is pure nonsense. They're afraid many others will think it nonsense as well. After all it was all there in one form or another in pagan religions.
They do seem very insecure.
I'm gonna tell the Pope you said that . . . you'll catch it then ! ! !
Will he stab him with his pointy hat?
Chastise him with a rubric in the narthex?
Pile on the faggots. My body will burn bright.
My brothers, the priests and bishops of the Holy Roman See, are concerned that some may be confused about the divinity of Christ. They have gone to all the trouble of declaring him divine, you know, listing the miracles reported in the four gospels and such, telling a lot of people to agree with their declaration and condemning those who don't to hell.
They have worked hard at securing the franchise. They have to protect the brand they have created. Imagine. They've got the only reported actual supernatural as the focus of their business. Those other guys have got what? -a great book? Phah! A bunch of really cool rules? You know, interesting dietary laws and you get to marry a bunch of women. (Why is that seen as a good thing? I can hardly hang with the one spouse I've got. Anyway.)
They forget that the main thrust of Dan Brown's book is that those same brothers have given the short end of the stick to half of humankind for about two thousand years. "And Jesus said 'We men shalt be the headfolks 'round the parts, you wimmens hesh up and have babies." not an actual quote from either the book or my brothers, but you get it.
Yeah, so do the women.
Joe(Look out!! Here they come!!!)Nation