Wed 17 May, 2006 08:35 am
The Frogs Without Realisation
When we survey the world that is here today, we are reminded of Luke 17:26-30.2 Peter 2:5) Likewise, Lot also warned his generation, but they thought he was mocking. (Genesis 19:14)
All of these people had made the same mistakes which this generation has succeeded in repeating today. They were blinded by their assumptions. Their assumptions had created such a strong illusion in their minds, that Noah and Lot were unable to reach them. They had convinced themselves of their own rightness. The signs and the warnings were increasing, but they just brushed them off and adapted.
You see in this life, there are always signs before imminent destruction falls. There are always indications which presage any major occurrence. The problem never lies with the abundance or the lack of abundance of signs and indicators. The problem always lies with mans inability to see and know what is occurring. This is why God states in Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. It is amazing that in this day and age, man can use the signs of the sky to discern the weather, but yet he cannot use the signs to discern impending destruction (Matthew 16:3)
What many people in this day and age have still failed to grasp, is the difference between seeing and knowing. They still do not understand that seeing does not always translate into knowing. They see the signs but they have no idea what they portend. Let us for one moment continue to use the frog as an example. We can guarantee you that the frog was not physically blind. The frog probably saw the stove, the pot, and the water. It saw the three signs of its demise without knowing it. This stems from the fact that the frog is not familiar with the conjunctional history of these three objects. If it had known the conjunctional history of these objects, he would have known that seeing these objects apart was no big deal, but to see them assembled together spelled significant trouble.
Besides ignorance, there is another reason why the frog was unable to perceive its dangerous situation. It is called familiarity. Familiarity tends to bring a false sense of assurance. When the frog was introduced into the water it came into contact with a substance which it was well acquainted with. This in turn allowed the frog to become more complacent. Now through this introduction, the small chance of the frog perceiving his situation has all but disappeared. As we all know, water has always been one of the frogs' closest friends. It could never harm it, or could it? The frog didn't know that his good friend water, when manipulated in another environment was deadly to it.
They all see the warning signs, but the majority have become so ignorant and so convinced of their own rightness that they have no knowledge of their meanings. They have seen the droughts. They just brush them off, adapt, and think; big deal. After all there was the Dust Bowl and they are still here. They see the wildfires. They brush them off and think; big deal, fires happen. They see the four major hurricanes go through Florida in one season. They see a hurricane destroy a city. They adapt, and try to rebuild, and think; no big deal, we have seen hurricanes before. They see the increase of strange weather. They adapt. They continue in their ways. They see injustices. They adapt. No big deal. Just as long as it is not them. At least not yet. They see their country with record and astronomical deficits. No sweat. Once again they adapt, and they keep going. Their leaders lead them into a war under false pretenses. No problem. They adapt; after all they had Vietnam and they're still here. They see an earthquake which kills close to 300,000 people. They adapt. No big deal earthquakes happen all the time. They have seen it all before. No sweat. They are the greatest country in the world. God is on their side.
Through this all the heat is steadily becoming hotter, but they don't notice. Unbeknownst to them, they have all become frogs in a pot. They have no awareness of their situation. They just adapt and continue; untill it is too late.
Revelation 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death.