Fri 12 May, 2006 02:50 pm
Contamination By Assumptions
Previously in The Illusions of Assumptions we introduced you to the biggest factor in Israel's past and current blindness. We showed you how their assumptions had prevented them from correctly identifying the Messias. These assumptions had created illusions which were so strong that they were almost impenetrable. They had helped to shape and distort Israel's current worldview, and mental image of Messias.
Believers must begin to comprehend the power that lies in one's assumptions. Assumptions are not mere trivialities. One's assumption has the ability to control and direct his movements, actions, and reactions. They are very powerful and life controlling human bridles. In the wrong hands they can be used to guide people to death and destruction.
To have the wrong assumption is akin to having a dangerous and cancerous disease. Without correction and cure, it will eventually spread and lead to self -destruction. And like a disease an assumption also has stages of progression. If it is caught in the early stages, it is curable, if caught in the later stages, it is almost incurable. Let us examine how one gets contaminated, and the stages of an Assumptions progression. Let us first define Assumption
Definitions (Merriam Webster)
1. Assumption: (n) 2 : a taking to or upon oneself *the assumption of a new position*3 : the act of laying claim to or taking possession of something *the assumption of power* 4 : ARROGANCE, PRETENSION 5 a : an assuming that something is true b : a fact or statement (as a proposition, axiom, postulate, or notion) taken for granted 6 : the taking over of another's debts
As you may see from the definitions, in order to be infected by the wrong Assumption, one must first take possession of it. Or you may say that one must assume the wrong Assumption as truth or true. If you are of age, an Assumption is not something that is forced upon you. An individual has the ability to think, reason, and conduct their own research, before accepting an Assumption as truth. For Believers, it is their responsibility and duty to study and weigh the information that is brought before them (2Tim 2:15Arrogance: (n) : an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions
From the definition we can see that one of the physical manifestations of Arrogance is presumptuous claims or Assumptions. This then tells us that those who cling to false Assumptions will tend to be overly Arrogant or Prideful. This Arrogance or Pride will not allow them to back down from their false claims. As we have stated before in I See Therefore I Know, Pride is one of the dispositions or mindsets which blocks one from receiving revelation.
After the individual or individuals have been in the second stage for any considerable amount of time, they will not listen to the voice of reason. Their world may crumble or fall around them, but they will not let go. They have taken hold of their Assumptions, and Pride and Arrogance will not allow these individuals to let them go. Arrogance and Pride are the main reasons why many of the Pharisees were unable to accept Christ. And these are also the main reasons why many today have succeeded in repeating that mistake.
Now let us clarify a couple of things, so as not to confuse you. To make an assumption does not automatically mean that someone is arrogant. If you will look at the definition you will see that assumption is plural. This then tells us that one who continuously makes or who continuously clings to wrong assumptions or presumptuous claims is arrogant. To make one wrong assumption is to be expected. But to continuously make wrong assumptions and to cling to them especially when the evidence says otherwise is a sign of Arrogance. It is abnormal and it is very dangerous
Finally the most dangerous thing about a false Assumption is the control that it generates. In the wrong hands it can be used for manipulation and mind control. Many people have been victims of this and are still unaware of it. This is a type of craft or art which very few people have knowledge of (Dan 8:25). A wrong Assumption can be manipulated to elicit a number of emotions or reactions. For example, A person can control you and your actions if they are aware of the fact that you have assumed that your neighbor is dangerous. With a few calculated comments or actions, they can control your emotions and manner of living. With certain provocations they can increase your hate and apathy towards that neighbor. With other provocations they can even move you to kill him or her.
In the Scriptures there are many verses which warn against pride and wrong assumptions. For to walk with God, one must be willing to learn and accept the truth, no matter how bitter. Pride and Arrogance will not allow you to do that. One cannot walk after the imaginations of their heart. One cannot afford to live in a land of make-believe. One cannot afford to assume that they are on the right side of God and therefore no evil will befall them. One better know before one begins to make such presumptuous claims ands assumptions. For as Hebrews 10:31 states: "[It is] a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
"The Truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, but its healing powers are immeasurable"
Jeremiah 23:17 They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.
Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Isaiah 13:11 And I will punish the world for [their] evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
Obadiah 1:3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation [is] high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?
Or as Obladiobladie had it: "There you go again."
Re: Contamination By Assumptions
Mindonfire wrote: Previously in The Illusions of Assumptions we introduced you to the biggest factor in Israel's past and current blindness. We showed . . .
Who is this
we you keep referring to? And what do you mean by 'showed'? Your assertions are so convoluted you have failed to show anything.
Furthermore, Mindonfire, you fail to convince anyone of your ideas, fail to convey those ideas in a clear manner that people understand and when people tell you they don't understand, you slander them.
You're not making any friends here, Mindonfire, and you certainly aren't going to convince anyone of anything if no one likes you.
Oh, i dunno . . . i'm convinced he eats poop sammiches and howls at the moon . . .