Mon 8 May, 2006 07:55 am
(Self - Examination)
Who gave you the Authorisation for your Discrimination of Abraham's Relation? Who taught you that they have no Participation in enjoying my Preservation?
What is your Justification for their Demonization and Denigration? What is this that we hear about your Collaboration in their Decimation?
Cease with your Self-Glorification and Self -Exaltation. This unchecked Imagination has led to your Inebriation and Stultification.
Here is a Recommendation for your Detoxification. Before you make any Pronunciations it would be wise to do an Investigation through Self- Examination.
Have you forgotten that your own Integration and Affiliation is by Implantation, Or did they not teach you this during your Education and Indoctrination
Let us take into Consideration your Denomination's Qualifications. Let us see who is really worthy of Denunciations and Condemnations
There is a Desensitization to Depravation in your Habitation. Proper rules and Regulations are no longer in Operation.
Your Aggregations are given to Immoderations and Hallucinations. Your holiness is relegated to Conversations and Celebrations.
The Adoration of God is no longer the Foundation of your Motivation. For you his Revelations no longer bring any Stimulation
In your Civilisation there is an Inundation of Fornication. Its rampant Perpetration has led to its Normalisation
The Sensualisation of your Population is an Abomination. The Commercialisation of your religion a Desecration
Due to improper Information and Impartation your children are devoid of Godly Calculation.
Their filthy Ideations a product of cultural Enervation.
On account of Alteration and Enculturation your Religion is now a Transmogrification. Its Modification another result of Contamination.
Due to your Satiation and Self-Gratification, the minds of your Congregations are in a state of Vegetation and Hibernation
And because of this Inclination for Gratification there is no Suitable Application of Immolation from those in your Organization
The truth has become an Irritation and Vexation to your Conglomeration, While you love to embrace false Promulgations and Proclamations
And because of this Situation your eyes are without Penetration and Discrimination, your minds lacking in Concentration and Estimation
Your Administration and Representation are known for their Fabrications. Their Misrepresentations are unparalleled in any Generation.
Where is your Invocation for the Defenestration of this dishonest Delegation, Instead they receive your Acclamation and blind Advocation
Here is an Intimation for your Edification. There can be no Separation of your Ambulation and your Vocation.
From our Determination You have not equaled Ishmael's Dedication and Demonstration. From were we sit Damnation is your Destination.
If you say that we are amiss in our Analysations and Observations, then give us Illumination through your own Illustrations and Explanations
Well yeah I'll drink to that.
Nonsensical gibberish + red highlights = Red highlighted nonsensical gibberish.
Nope, it still doesn't add up!