I gotta write these "down"
but how can i find my "pen-guin" my "secretary" left my desk such a mess?
Boy, this is seeded with bad puns.
Yer all a bunch of dodoes..
What do you mean? These are some funny yolks. Eggshell-ent, in fact.
I think it's a cardinal sin to sea gulls when they're laying
Tune in nest week when Chai Tea will be heard to say...
You folks are really scratching for answers. But you won't hear a peep from me.
The whole day is already a complete cock-up.
That's it. I'm crying fowl!
Why are you trying to kill our mocking birds?
Well, I don't want to ruffle any feathers . . .
Do what you want. I don't give a hoot!
He's just grousing because he can't tern a decent pun.
Say, have you seen Boomer's cuckoo burrow thread?
I hate to squawk, but it's hard for me to type these out. I have to hunt and peck.
I'm just whetting my whistle.
tin_sword_arthur wrote:That's it. I'm crying fowl!
Those who cry falcon kiss my ass.
Eider tinkle or get off the potty....