-for those who are new to Sudoku, and indeed for anyone else to comment on-
First some definitions. I call the puzzle a grid...(sounds more adult

It has 9 vertical "columns"
and 9 horizonal "rows"
making 81 "squares" in total
with each 3*3 square making up a "box".
three boxes in a line (vertically or horizontally) make up one "segment" of the grid. The grid thus has six segments.
First quickly scan the grid to spot any frequently recurring numbers. There might be four or five 6's but only two 7s or no 8 at all. In that case it might be a good idea to try and fill in the remaining 6s rather than the 8s!
The first technique I call projection. Check out the position of all the 6s. Then for each one "project" the 6 along its column or row, into a box that has no 6. As the box must have a 6 in it, it cannot be in the three squares into which you have projected the 6 or there would be two 6s in the row or column. This works best where you can project two numbers into a box without that number, because it means you have eliminated six squares out of the nine in the box where the 6 cannot be. The 6 must be in one of three (maximum) positions. Often one square or more already has another number in it. Sometimes two squares are occupied...in that case bingo...the 6 must go in the single empty square. But if there is two or three positions it can go, look sideways i.e. through 90 degrees. Is there another 6 in an adjacent box that you can project into the box you are interested in? If so does it eliminate any of the squares where the 6 could go...? Is it possible to narrow it down to one square? Then that is where the 6 must live.
Use this technique all over the grid, working horizontally and vertically, projecting as many of the number you are interested in into the box that doesnt have that number. Sometimes its pretty hopeless, but if you spot two numbers in the same segment, its often straightforward to see where the third number in that segment must go.
Having got a number, immediately check for other similar numbers that can be forced out in that vertical or horizontal segment of the grid. Typically this means looking that the segment 90 degrees to the one you have been working on.
Start with the most commonly occurring number, in this case it was six. They look out for other common numbers.
Then methodically go through all the numbers 1 2 3 etc until you are sure you are not missing an obvious number location.
Sh1t this is taking longer than I thought...more later....if anyone is interested