Mon 24 Apr, 2006 04:38 pm
I want to get some advice from the religious community, I have a friend who has betrayed me maliciously and don't know if he should be forgiven or forgotten.
About 17 years ago someone new moved into the house across the street, people were always moving in and out of the worn house with it's poorly kept yard; this time someone my own age took residence. After a year he moved into the house next door where his grandparents lived while his mom went on with her life, over the next years he was pawned off between the two along with his half sister. During the time we were in contact a lasting friendship grew and by highschool we were able to keep in touch regardless of where he was living. Needless to say we had a dramatic affect on one another each with our share of shortcomings requiring forgiveness or understanding. Once out of highschool we were running with the same crowd when **** hit the fan, drama over took everyone involved and it was some time before we could forgive one another.
After a few more years I found myself in a terrible life situation which left me essentially debilitated. In these days where everyone had kicked me while I was down he was the only one who came around, every few months he would show up and we'd drink and watch movies until one faitfull week my parents went on vacation and he came at me with ill intentions. He brought over audio equipment to hook to my computers which were my only source of entertainment and this time he brought some marijuana. We started with our video games and movies like usual only this time something was different, slowly he started coming onto me and became sexual, eventually trying to convince me to have sex... After a week of his passes and telling me he had sex with my mother I began to fear sleep and did nothing but drink and smoke even more until he finally found a ride to leave; at which point I collapsed in tears. I later found out someone had given him a web cam and offered money if he could have sex with me on camera. Needless to say this has caused me severe mental trauma esp when you take into consideration the previous time he came over I burst into tears on the front porch and confessed the only reason I hadn't killed myself was because of my sister.
Now that I find myself recovering from years of pain and beginning to realize that my life will continue due to an upcoming surgery I have to wonder if he deserves forgiveness. My entire life we've done things to hurt eachother, mine were intentional such as always picking the team on battle masters (a board game) which I knew would win every time, or unintentional like takeing off for the fields in my dirt bike. In turn he did things such as stealing my cd's or useing me as a bartering tool with his friends. I've forgiven him througout our friendship and he would profess his forgiveness yet always held everything against me. I don't know what to think, I know who he is on the inside and what his life has been like, I don't think I could have done any better given the situation. Over time all the things life had taken from him and given to me left him cruel and hateful, at this point in life his honest intentions are simply more then an afterthought and an excuse to be an individual filled with hate and deceit. If I had the power, do you think he would deserve the chance never given or is it to late to change his ways and is doomed to hell?
No matter what your religious beliefs, forgiveness always seems to bring an emotional release. That doesn't mean you should automatically welcome someone into your circle of trust.
In İslamic religion... If man ( in marriage or not ) have a sex with woman, He can not marry with her mother and daughter up to eternity.
Re: An Old Friend
Deler wrote:.... My entire life we've done things to hurt eachother, mine were intentional such as always picking the team on battle masters (a board game) which I knew would win every time, or unintentional like takeing off for the fields in my dirt bike. In turn he did things such as stealing my cd's or useing me as a bartering tool with his friends. I've forgiven him througout our friendship and he would profess his forgiveness yet always held everything against me. I don't know what to think, I know who he is on the inside and what his life has been like, I don't think I could have done any better given the situation. Over time all the things life had taken from him and given to me left him cruel and hateful, at this point in life his honest intentions are simply more then an afterthought and an excuse to be an individual filled with hate and deceit. If I had the power, do you think he would deserve the chance never given or is it to late to change his ways and is doomed to hell?
What you've done to him is minor and inconsequential in comparison to what he's done to you. This guy is manipulative and tried to use you before and there doesn't seem to be anything in your post to indicate that he has changed in any way whatsoever.
There's no reason you can't forgive him, so long as you do not let him back into your life. There is forgiveness, as in letting go of anger and resentment and moving on -- that's a good kind of forgiveness, and then there is allowing yourself to be a doormat, and "forgiving" in order to allow someone who is a proven abuser of you to go back to hurting you. Let go of the anger -- that's fine. But let him back in your life and your good graces? No, not unless he really has changed. You're not a bad person if you act in your own best interests in order to protect yourself. Lord knows this guy hasn't acted in your best interests.
I completely agree with jespah.
And, if it helps, you actually do him a favor by keeping your boundaries strong. He may not 'get' it now, but you never know. One day he may look back and feel grateful that you kept yourself strong.
Allowing him to continue to hurt you would help neither of you.
Even though it would be easy to place the blame on him and say what he did to me was worse then what I did to him I won't, which came first the chicken or the egg. I'll just say that my examples weren't chosen very well. I have forgiven him on my own time, our last words were me saying "well I guess thats it" as he turned to go get something from inside. For myself I have let go of any anger towards him, to the point that even if he did sleep with my mother as he claimed... well forgiveness in that case would be difficult but given how things have turned out in my life understanding is there. I don't plan on us ever being involved in one anothers lives in any way, still I think he may benefit from knowing my forgiveness. I have a feeling he has come to realize just how terrible an act he committed against me and it isn't something I want him to harbor and regret all of his life, if nothing else for the sake of his wife and children.
I know that we can never be friends again, there is to much spite engrained and memorized disfunction to overcome. Still I find myself wondering, if I had the power to grant him what he's been trying to steal from the world, what he was never given yet deserved from day one, could he improve and become a better person? He is a truly bad person at this point in his life, he wasn't always this way.