The original picture is deleted, but I assume it's bedstraw or cleavers, a European invader. It's not totally without its redeeming qualities though. When it's very young you can boil and eat it along with other garden "weeds," such as chickweed, henbit, and dandelion. I even dug up some goatsbeard roots and ate them the other day. These along with dandelion need a longer cooking time than the other plants and maybe a change of water or two to reduce the bitterness. Peppergrass is good too, raw, and shepherd's purse. Both of these are peppery. And if you're fortunate, or unfortunate depending on your point of view, to have smilax or greenbriar in your yard, eat the tips, raw. I've seen huge ones in Florida, and the tips-6 inches or longer- are like asparagus but much milder and more tender.
Peppergrass. Two or three inches tall.
Shepherds's purse. So named because the small seed pods resemble the sheep scrotums that shepherds made purses from.