This is fascinatin' stuff, ain't it, Boss?
Oh, I love it, when my brother did our family tree (didn't get too terribly far back, just to about 1840), we started matching up names with colors and suddenly it got really, really interesting.
The history of families is the history of the world. It ain't just the big folks who make history.
That's a form of PC Setanta.jespah has a point.
Get a grip . . . call 1-800-Bite-Me, an' tell 'em you need to buy a vowell . . .
What's a vowell...?
Quote: It ain't just the big folks who make history.
That's not a heresy by any means.The "big folks" or their sychophants wrote the books I'll grant but there's more to history than the books.
There's The Structures of Everyday Life by Braudel which back up what jespah said and that's only Europe,more or less.
Jeeze, i submit that only a completely clueless putz would not understand that my riposte to Jespah was tongue-in-cheek humor.
Way to spoil a thread with your typical idiotic response, though.
You think heresy is a subject for T in C humour!!!!?
You're not serious man.Are you?
I can do T in C stuff that I know goes way over your head.
Considering the improvident degree to which you apparently inflate your ego, i'd suggest you are over my head in every respect, and probably appear on Royal Air Force radar at this very moment . . .
Do you not understand a "disengaged" position.It's not uncommon.Proust is possible the world record holder but there are plenty of others and I have personally known a few.
Some see them as evil because they take a pleasure in making people's blood boil but I think it's healthy to get sluggish blood pumping up the eyeballs. I understood it was a technique you yourself employed. And I also think it's healthy to have one's ideas challenged.It's difficult to see how the learning process could take place without it if ferals were to be avoided.
All the best writers are "disengaged".And artists.No sooner do you become engaged than you start on your autobiography and we all know about them.
You just as stuffed full of hooey as the proverbial christmas goose--you fell flat on your face in your specious criticism, and you're now attempting to peddle more bullshit to cover your embarrassment . . .
With a titter spendi goes to the pub.
That's where you belong. I suspect that you never entirely sober up--the level of alcohol in your bloodstream simply fluctuates. That goes a long way to explaining the meaningless drivel you constantly impose upon this site.
That's not only unfair,ungentlemanly and spiteful but it is also false,which is to say a load of crap.
I only visit a small number of threads.I find the site a little like Mailer's 300 lb woman who wanted to get on top.