Isn't the answer to both a balance of gravitational force or centrifugal and centripetal forces.
No. Gravity is the centripetal force. Centrifugal "force" isn't a real force at all, it is really just momentum. It ceratinly doesn't counter gravity.
Gravity is the sole unbalanced force which is why an object in orbit is accelerating.
Are we in the realms of what Intelligent Design calls "irreducible complexity" and thus invents God to prevent us going off our heads or,to put it another way,prevent us spending too much on scientific research?
<<SIGH>> This has absolutely nothing to do with Intelligent Design, which is a religious objection to evolution.
The fact is that science, Physics to be exact, can exactly, precisely and mathematically predict and explain the behavior of objects in orbit. All of the Physics I have given you can easily be confirmed with experiments and these experiments have been done.
The victory of Physics was when Newton's laws (which is what we are discussing now) were found to explain both the behavior of objects on earth and the orbits observed in the solar system.
The science is sound and backed with observation.
If this is a blind religious attack on science, I am leaving.
Is there anyone here who is interested in the Physics. If not, then I quit.