Setanta wrote:We've certainly had our share of the Christian set here, and now, of late, an influx of Muslims. They have in common, of course, an unquestioning adherence to dogmatic belief.
I am interested in knowing what compulsion creates the need to believe. Why do people feel the need to believe? What powerful motivation leads to the sort of desparate need to believe implicit in blithely accepting absurdities and contradictions in one's doctrinal canon?
Why do people need, so badly, to believe?
Well this is an interesting question. I have my theory's about this. But please keep in mind these are only my opinions from what I have observed about people over a long period of time. Religion is a funny thing. It offers a whole variety of need fillers. If offers a form of acceptance that is rarely found outside of itself. Well, it's presented that way anyway. The funny thing I've realized about people is that no matter what they believe or why, they just are what they are. While religion might be a "cloak" of sorts, it really is not all together too different from anything else in the world. Just another "clique" to fit into, if you will.
There are those who are just brought up within a certain belief system . They really don't know any better. They are taught through-out a period of time to not not listen to or hear anything outside of their belief system lest they succumb to the "evil's" that surround them.
Speaking from the angle of one who was abused, this is the part with the most clarity for me. When someone has been abused it does a whole range of damage to that person that goes beyond simple understanding. It changes the perception they have of the world, of people, of themselves. It can leave them feeling empty and powerless. It even changes how they hear things. For example a long time ago when I first got "saved" I was counseling with a pastor. He said to me one time, "Heph, God doesn't need you. If you aren't willing to do things His way, He will find someone that will."
That's not what I heard. I heard, "Heph, God does not need you. He knows you are going to fail so He has someone waiting in the wings to replace you as soon as you do." That is how I internalized that messaged because I filtered it through the shame I was living in at the time. People are very complex and religion offers answers to things that sometimes couldn't be answered any other way to the person involved. I don't know how much of this has to do with personality types and such, but I think that definitely has an effect as well.
Someone who does not feel important, cared about, accepted, will easily go for what religion presents because there are needs that are not being filled in their life and they have yet to find a way to fill those needs. God answers a lot of questions for people who are hurting. It gives them a sense of well being, importance, purpose. It takes really bad things that have happened and makes them seem not quite so bad because now... as unjust as they might have been... they can serve some sort of purpose. To help others who have experienced the same thing.
For some, life is a whole complex thing and upbringing can have a definite effect on how one functions in the world they are surrounded by. If needs were not met at home it is natural to look to meet those needs somewhere else. Religion offers to meet so many different needs on so many different levels that it is hard to resist. However religion is not the only thing that can meet needs, and religious people are not the only ones who have needs to be met. It's just a matter of how once chooses to go about meeting those needs.