7:25 Breakfast nearly over. All well.
Considerable number of large feathers left over from breakfast.
Joe(must be part of that Heary Pigeon Strips Meal Special down at MickeyD's)Nation
followed by a RAt Mcmuffin
Very big news today: All four of our fledglings took a walk out onto the veranda about seven o'clock PM. There was even some flappage of wings. This is very early for this behavior, I think, these guys and girls haven't even lost fifty per cent of their white baby feathers.
Joe(Out so soon on a rainy afternoon)Nation
Well, phooey. I missed the parade, but I saw the inspection.
By the time I got there, the babies were back in the shelter, and the parent was on the ledge. Then the parent left the ledge and entered the shelter. He or she stepped over to the the first baby and gave it the once over. Then the next and the next and the last. Then the parent returned to the ledge.
Out on the veranda this morning, at least one of was, flapping and stretching, the other three were sleeping in.
Joe(mom on guard)Nation
All four are awake and active and completely ignoring the terrified mouse who is supposed to be an educational exercise.
6:21AM EDT Two chicks are out on the veranda alertly watching for Mom/Dad to arrive with something squirmy good. The other two look more like the college roomates who would sleep every morning until noon if they could.
6:24 Parent arrives with whole mouse. Biggest chick takes it and heads for the back wall. Drops it. "Wait a second, young man" says mom. She retakes it and begins, um, creating shares.
One chick does not eat.
Typical family, there is always one kid, no matter what you are serving - mac and cheese or the most tender filet mignon du rattone- who says " ewwwh"
Joe("Okay." said my dad. "More for us.")Nation
They are going to band the little PA eyases on Thursday (5/22) at 1PM. Its going to be a live broadcast with some school controlling the cameras.
The Pa birds are living in a big pile of feathers of their recent meals
I've been trying very hard not to think about what those nesting sites must smell like. I've achieved only moderate success.
To the birdees it smells like your kitchen on Thanksgiving Morning. The smells are things that the little guys will remember all their lives when they are hanging out alone at some bar protectively surrounding their shot and beer with their wings.
I dont predict anything great for any of em. They look kinda like young bikers
Farmerman runs the gamut between lyrically cynical and practically cynical.
Mom shows up with rations. Three chicks advance and are doled out to.
Do bird researchers count what chick gets fed more?
I gave each a letter A B C D and it went :
suddenly D moved in from the outside into the B position and it went
B gave up at that point and walked to the back to sulk or digest, flapping wings and tettering on edge of the veranda.
Joe(Always rooting for the underbird)Nation
Both the NYC birds and the PA birds are getting b-i-g.
The babies in New York are losing their baby feathers. Will the flying lessons begin soon?
First the flapping to build the shoulder and wing muscles. Then then flying.
The above link takes you right to the cameras.
One chick was standing in the sunlight this morning.
Joe(a little hungry sentinel)Nation
Joe (kind to lazy bird watchers) Nation--
Thank you. Fluff Prime is getting a very impressive wing span. Rats and pigeons have been transmuted to major avian muscle.
Just checked in this AM. Jeezus the camera in NY is all F***D up again, and the wider angle shot in PA is disgusting. These animals are at their most repulsive stage, where they look like a bunch of VOGONS just humping around in their fluffy baby buzzard suits. They are almost as big as the mother (or father) . Compare them to the parent who is sitting out on the pole and appears just as repulsed at their appearance as I am.
We're witnessing the miracle of life, Farmerman is concerned about grooming and good looks.
Falcons only look really good when in the air.
Joe(I called the place to see if they couldn't get a primper up to the nest site. They talked to me something awful.)Nation