WOW, The mamma(or pappa) is sitting on the eggs in Pa.
Farmer (well our climate is a little more moderating down here) Man
That bird has been doing a lot of egg-sitting. There may be a third egg. Not sure. It could have been a shadow. I'm better at reading gravel than I am at reading smooth ovate shapes.
Gravel analysis, 3/30/07: Nothing has changed inside the box. Less certain about the gravel in the outer area. Require consultation.
Finally saw two birds in PA. One on the eggs. One on the stick thing.
Don't bother trying to use the links (for PA or NY) today. I assume that they both have a.2.k in them. Not gonna work on the first day of the fourth month.
I went directly to both sites. Mama bird on eggs in PA. Possible footprints (or nothing at all) in NY.
he he anything to keep them little rats happy every APRIL 1st
Confirming three eggs in PA. Doodly squat in NY.
ATTENTION SHOPPERS__There are four eggs in the Pa nest. I was scanning the Pa site yesterday and found out that the mother will lay her clutch within a week and a half and not sit on the first two or so until the later eggs are lain. This causes the early eggs to not develop and when she does finally sit on them , they all will then hatch within a two day period so she wont be stuck with nestlings that are of widely differing ages and sizes. Nature has it all figgered out. (No implications )
I'm grateful for the explanation, farmerman. I was worrying about those two early eggs that had been left unattended. If the mother ever stands up again while I'm around, I'll take another look. Counted only three, but if you say four, I believe four.
Nature is amazing.
Later edit: Just saw the four eggs.
Lotta serious incubatin going on in Pa. BTW, anybody know where I can find that website where you can watch a cheese ripen?
LOL. I tell ya. This egg business is for the birds. So confining. That poor bird can't go anywhere. No books, no tv, no nuttin'. I saw her sitting on the edge of the box. Then she sadly waddled back and gently positioned the eggs beneath her.
Not exciting viewing. But I'm bonding with the boid. Things will get more interesting eventually.
I apologize to one and all for the "for the birds" remark. I couldn't help myself. Honest.
momma peregrine is really hunkered down. Were having some hevy rains in Pa as a cold front from Goddam Saskatchewan is closing in on us.
I'm about ready to give up on the New York falcons. There's only so much gravel analysis a person can stand, and I've got a pretty high tolerance for such things.
Pennsylvania boid looks like it's literally spread-eagled over the eggs.
Until I started watching the falcon, I never gave much thought to the process of sitting on eggs until they hatch. I feel for that bird and all birds. I'm impressed by the power of instinct that makes her sit there. I'm glad mammals came along. Being able to move around and function relatively normally while you're pregnant is a major improvement.
Re NY site: Is that an egg? Or an optical illusion?
(Later) I saw a bird. Finalmente.
Staring at the 55 Water Street cam - give me a better angle!
Pennsylvania - 5 eggs!
Just saw 'em.
PA: Five eggs. Wow. I missed one.
NY: You're right, Beth. The angle and lighting is terrible here. Still staring at something in the gravel that could be an egg. No longer certain I saw a bird. My computer doesn't do well with video. Coulda been--I don't know what. I found a bunch of other falcon webcams online. I'm resisting the temptation to look at boids sitting on nests nationwide (and Canada). I'm emotionally connected to the boids in PA. I'll stick with them. And if anything turns up in NY, well, hey. It's Noo Yawk.