you have not lived until you've REALLY seen PaL flashing her peace sign. It's worth the drive!
LOL..... our drive up to Woodstock and that great Woodstock T-Shirt that I bought must have really put me in the mood...!!!!!
Um,...34,..will be catching up with ehbeth and fishin' soon!!
I once saw a sweatshirt (it was on somebody's back;
I'd have bought it, had it been on a rack).
The message was sized the space to fill.
Said: "Hill? What hill? I didn't see no hill!"
JerryR - you'll be catching up with the category just as i make a run for the next one ...
I find it interesting that, so far, the majority of us are 'elder statesman' age more or less. It's not much of a majority, but then seems like nothing is much of a majority any more.
We're the same age, Bandylu. Knock of that elder statesmen stuff, okay?
That does sound pretty awful, doesn't it? Okay, we're the mature ones. No, that won't work, either, because some of us aren't all that mature (myself included). How about middle aged? I never liked that either (though it does sound better than old). I give up.
I used to use fogies but got tired of being hit with umbrellas. ;-)
"Old age is always 10 years older that you are."
edit: Please don't get mad y'all. I get called tot by some of you all the time.
For some reason, ripened always makes me feel like a vegetable.
Superior vintage does it for me (with a tip o' the hat to Pheonix who first used that expression on another thread).
Always remember, Craven, youth is the most curable of diseases. Old age. . . hmmm?
I think experienced describes me and my age group. I'm just past the 46-55 group and am a baby in the 56-65 group. I'm an original baby boomer, along with Joan Dorel. 10/46. A great year for babies. And baby boomers rule!
I´m a baby boomers baby rapidly approaching 34 which means I´m in cahoots with Sozobe.
Ah...I haden't seen the post "
A/S/L (age / sex / location)?" by dan-E when I posted this topic.

Oh well...:wink:
Hell, i can remember the cold, old days, when we were obliged to watch television by candle-light . . .
Oh, I'm going to steal that line.