How many years have YOU been on the loose
age--63. Just seems like a hundred. Actually I don't feel as if it was that long. I've been lucky though. Don't take any medications. Appendix and tonsils still intact. Last had a physical 42 years ago. friends say I should have one but I keep living anyway. I refuse to go to work without a pulse.
bobsmyth, You're living in la-la land if you think you don't need any meds at your age. The concensus is that for every ten years of life, you'll be taking at least one pill after the age of 60. If you're taking less than six at 60 years old, you're doing better than the average bloke. Your appendix and tonsils might still be intact, but how about your heart, lungs, blood pressure, kidneys, teeth, and eyes? If I don't have a pulse, that means I longer need to worry about my health. c.i.
At age 56, I take lots more than 6 pills a day........but I must say, some are simply for a better quality of life.
I think now, the less pills you take, the better. Your liver has to process all that junk and if you eat properly you don't need a ton of vitamins, just a multi a day will do. The rest just gets flushed away.
Herbal/vitamin manufacturers have been raking it in, feeding people false ideas that their quality of life will improve, and their disposition if they take these pills every day. This is simply not true.
I take a Synthroid for thyroid disease and estrogen, that's it.
If it's not broken, don't fix it!
Oh, just recently I heard taking some herbal meds causes severe liver damage, I think it was Kava Kava.
"The mind has great influence over the body, and maladies often have
their origin there."
--Moliere 1622-1673
Misti26- Have you ever read the caveats on prescription pills? I have been reading the Physician's Desk Reference for years. If most people knew the damage that most prescription pills could cause, they would not take ANYTHING. If I am killing myself with vitamins and other stuff, at least I am doing it on my own terms!
Phoenix, I do read the PDR's, and it definitely is scary when you see in black and white what can happen.
I think doctors write prescriptions way too easily today, just because they want their patients to feel their visit was worth it.
I think people should think twice before taking anything, and find out all they can about it first, and don't take anything unless it's absolutely necessary.
Mom and I would agree, Phoenix.
The use of antibiotics is the worst.
Never read the PDR, the side effects listed there are compliations of symptoms reported, and some of those side effects are either very rare or not a true side effect. You'll scare yourself to death reading that book. Medications are for treatment of pathological conditions and when needed should be used. The older you get, the more conditions you will develop that must be managed. Thank God for medical science.
I haven't checked in with this thread since it was still new. It seems like there are lots of us in the 55-65 range.
I'll have my 60th birthday in March. Like many of you, I feel soooo good, that it's a shock when I look in the mirror. Luckily, I inherited my mother's skin. She was truly beautiful and still looked great at 75; in fact, she looked good up until a month before her death. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit her beauty, I'm more a girl next door type.
Each decade has been pretty wonderful in it's own way. I've truly enjoyed growing older.
Lola, if you are able to manage getting a2kers together in NYC, please let me know. My husband and I are driving down to our place in Florida in January, but I will drive back if there is a chance of meeting all you great people.
It would be lots of fun. But it can't be in January. Blatham and I have been talking about getting everyone together. Maybe March or April, what do you think?
Hey, I used to see "the girl next door" in Playboy when I was much younger. I was in Mad, and I still look the same. I scare me when I have to shave in the morning.

No reason to reallly boot this up, except that it makes me feel very, very young, and I'm on one of those " THERE ISN'T TIME ENOUGH LEFT SH*T I'VE ALREADY LOST MY CHANCE TO BE AN OLYMPIC GYMNAST!* AARRGGHHH!!" bad trips about worrying whether i should go find a husband and settle down in order to prevent dying alone + what i am going to make of mmy life. Etcetera etcetera, yawn yawn.
* Note that I haven't included my extraordinarily poor coordination, disinterest in the sport and build in evaluating whether I ever really had a feasible chance of becoming an olympic gymnast.
eh im 22 if anyone cares... and if i was any of you I wouldnt... so there you have it
and just think - most of the ages recorded in the poll are +2 now!
nice muuuuuuuuustache for a sprout, seed! :wink:
eh been working on it since i was a wee lad
Seed wrote:eh im 22 if anyone cares... and if i was any of you I wouldnt... so there you have it
I care, sweetheart, and the opinions of the others shouldn't matter. Let's go become one of those weird isolated duos ( like the Gershwin brothers or Picasso and Braques* ) who feed ideas and experiences off one another until we our creative lives are as one. I can and I will fill the void in your life left by the intense ostracism you have experienced since growing that tree on your face.
* Naturally, I am the creative genius Picasso . YOu will have to settle with being dull little "Oooh, I only created half an art movement " Braques. That's the best that you can do. YOu're going to have to adjust to living in the shadow of genius.
ehBeth wrote:
nice muuuuuuuuustache for a sprout, seed! :wink:
He uses fertiliser and creeper vines, and he waters it with his drool. Still, quite an achievement, eh? Especially when you compare its size to the numerous other growths on his body, lol.
-sniffs as sad puppy dog eyes look up at odd socks- you pegged from the moment we met. you knew how i felt in my soul of souls and you brought it out. thank you. i shall live beside you basking in they glory of the genius that is you. i can deal with being half a person... as long you complete the other half...