Mon 27 Mar, 2006 12:43 pm
1. Love God
2. Love your neighbor
3. Mind your own darn business
*note: those skilled at 'reading between the lines' will notice that between #1 and #2 it implicitly says 'love yourself, as well.'
If only those that endorse #1 would also follow #3....
What a neat-o world that would be.
Naw, there'd still be those darn Satanists to deal with.....
...and we all know what a pain in the ass they are, right?
Only if you get on the wrong side of one.
Which is, what--all 360 degrees?
Just kidding. :wink:
I'll take an unapologetic, candid satanist over a self-delusional religious zealot any old day of the week.
Or, as Herman Melville said (with lots more wit):
'Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian."'
The previous post was actually just a test. For what, I don't know.
But, truthfully, I empathize with this Melville quote more:
"Heaven have mercy on us all - Presbyterians and Pagans alike - for we are all somehow dreadfully cracked about the head, and sadly need mending"
Doktor S wrote:Only if you get on the wrong side of one.
then what, do ya Zapp 'em?
"1. Love God
2. Love your neighbor
3. Mind your own darn business"
If you love God you automatically love yourself and your neighbor.
i A Golden Rule
1) "Here, my friend, to you i give,
The Golden Rule by which i live:
2) To lead my life in my own way,
Doing the things i choose today;
Striving for goals that i alone set,
Enjoying peace and happiness - by my standards yet.
3) But in all those things, whatever i do,
Never shall it be at the expense of you."
Four Commandments
Honor thy parents - one and all -
For in each their own way, they did sacrifice for you.
Steal not - anything -
Neither life nor property, nor effort
Nor a just reputation from anyone.
Share your abundance - in material and knowledge -
With the haves and the have-nots,
To help pave the road for all.
Seek the Truth - Teach your Truth -
Constantly and fervently,
But with an open mind to the Truths of others.
That's very nice, Ethmer.