I rode my bicycle past your window last night ...
Not on a bicycle lane, especially not in the UK :wink:
Some examples of disastrous cycle lanes prove that the road to hell really is paved with good intentions:
Don't fence me in . . . a cyclist faces a tricky obstruction on a York route
London, left, and Batley, right.
The Warrington Cycle Campaign (more photos there) say the funniest thing about the lanes is that they were all designed with the safety of cyclists in mind.
Quote:"Local authorities just don't think straight when it comes to cycle lanes. They decide to mark out a couple of miles of cycle lane so they can tick a box and say they have done something to improve safety but they don't stop to think if the lanes are of any use to anyone.
"You end up with lanes that run for three yards and then stop, or others which are so narrow that you couldn't even fit a bike on them."
The campaign group is calling for all cycle lanes to be at least two metres wide and for a 20mph speed limit for all traffic in urban areas - the same as cycle-friendly countries such as Holland and Denmark.
In my home state, we have a statee-wide
bicyle lane net = signposts at any street crossing, but only extra lanes in some hundred towns and not along all roads.
However, as some
have seen at last year's gathering here, we do a bit for cyclists and their bicyles: Münster is
Europe's city of bikes :wink:
And how's at your place like?