News Item:
GOP Split on Immigration
The Republicans have got another problem. On the one hand, here they are the party of morals and on the other, the party of making big bucks for the fat cat contributors of the GOP. This immigration thing is driving them a little crazy because despite a lot of effort they can't find a way to blame Bill Clinton for any of it.
Their leader, George W. Bush, you remember him, wants a guest worker program for the eleven millions guests who are in this country illegally. Why would he want such a thing? Well, he's a simple man and his super-rich base has told him they need those undocumented workers to keep making money hand over fist and that he, simply, has got to find a way to get it done. They've got a lot of meat to pack and malls to clean and fruit to pick and they are willing to make a lot more cash for six more years before something else will have to be done. (Another one of those things, like the permanent bases in Iraq, for future Presidents to decide.)
Meanwhile, over in the morality branch of the RedState Rendezvous, otherwise known as the House of Representatives, they wants to make the whole bunch into felons, not the fat cats, the aliens, they also want to make anybody who helps an illegal alien a felon too. That's a little unsettling to organizations like the Catholic Church who has a little interest in helping folks in need.
And, taking advice from the builders of nations in the Middle East and not from Robert Frost, the morality branch wants to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. Very exciting for the concrete producers in the SouthWest, but for those who admire the openness of American society... not so much.
So let's see the Republicans have to make a decision based on doing the right moral thing or making more money for the top two per cent of earners...
golly, which will they choose?
Joe(on pins and needles)Nation