Sat 25 Mar, 2006 04:47 am
ISLAM rebuffed
Ever Wondered why????
Is this Islam???
The Quraan says
Quote:"...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...(The Noble Quran, 5:32)" In this Noble Verse we clearly see that Allah Almighty honors all the innocent souls that He created. Killing any innocent soul is so hated by Allah Almighty that He considers it as a crime against all of Mankind.
your proselytizing grows rather tiresome.
go away
Doktor S wrote:your proselytizing grows rather tiresome.
go away
Naw, speak on, speak on........
dalahow2 wrote:ISLAM rebuffed
Ever Wondered why????
Is this Islam???
The Quraan says
Quote:"...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...(The Noble Quran, 5:32)" In this Noble Verse we clearly see that Allah Almighty honors all the innocent souls that He created. Killing any innocent soul is so hated by Allah Almighty that He considers it as a crime against all of Mankind.
and still calling Islam is terrorism..Can u differentiate between "Self defense and Murder" anyway..
dalahow2 wrote:dalahow2 wrote:ISLAM rebuffed
Ever Wondered why????
Is this Islam???
The Quraan says
Quote:"...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...(The Noble Quran, 5:32)" In this Noble Verse we clearly see that Allah Almighty honors all the innocent souls that He created. Killing any innocent soul is so hated by Allah Almighty that He considers it as a crime against all of Mankind.
and still calling Islam is terrorism..Can u differentiate between "Self defense and Murder" anyway..

Arbitrarily decided by the state.
"Many people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." (Bertrand Russell).
What is Islam ? It is a demonstration of this !
dalahow2 wrote:ISLAM rebuffed
Ever Wondered why????
Is this Islam???
The Quraan says
Quote:"...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...(The Noble Quran, 5:32)" In this Noble Verse we clearly see that Allah Almighty honors all the innocent souls that He created. Killing any innocent soul is so hated by Allah Almighty that He considers it as a crime against all of Mankind.
readers please analyze the concept we are talking about Islam..
If you need some more information about Islam, let me know...
Biased and criticism will never cease but we go on....
what is islam??
an arab death cult.
I recently saw a very disturbing video. I don't know if I can post it here or not because of how graphic it is.
I believe everyone has a right to practice whatever religion they choose. I can respect that.
But, since seeing this video, I am afraid I cannot respect Islam at all anymore. Muslims beheading a man because he is a Christian and screaming to Allah the whole time they are sawing off his head with a small knife, is the image I have of Islam now.
Can you justify this? This is what your god would have you do? Killing a man in the most heinous way possible and all the time saying Allah is great? It's true there have been atrocities committed in the name of Christianity, but I don't know any Christians that would do what I saw in that video.
I just do not understand it at all.
MA- Islam is many centuries behind Christianity in terms of maturity. Do you know about the Inquisition? Going even nearer to our own times, what about Salem?
You might want to Google "replacement theology". I think that you would find it to be an eye opener.
Momma Angel wrote:I recently saw a very disturbing video. I don't know if I can post it here or not because of how graphic it is.
I believe everyone has a right to practice whatever religion they choose. I can respect that.
But, since seeing this video, I am afraid I cannot respect Islam at all anymore. Muslims beheading a man because he is a Christian and screaming to Allah the whole time they are sawing off his head with a small knife, is the image I have of Islam now.
Can you justify this? This is what your god would have you do? Killing a man in the most heinous way possible and all the time saying Allah is great? It's true there have been atrocities committed in the name of Christianity, but I don't know any Christians that would do what I saw in that video.
I just do not understand it at all.
Momma, I uderstand your situation..Not everyone is a muslim who just goes berserk and beheads people in the name of ISLAM..That is never ISLAM..
Read here please Momma Angel... Website dedicated for Islam's information on Terrrorism..
Read what Islam says about Terror, murder, killing here...No need for Propaganda..
That the left arm holding its fingers in a peace-sign denounces the right arm holding a bone saw does not excuse the whole from the responsibility of the actions of the right arm, or indeed the left.
The facts are, regardless how many times you try to define 'islam' as something purely positive, you are proven wrong by a suicide bomb in the name of Allah.
Your weak excuse that 'that is not Islam' is refuted by the islamic law of jihad.
The men in the video I saw were Muslims. They were Islam. They were doing it in the name of the Muslim god Allah.
I will admit things are done in the name of Christianity that are wrong. However, the Bible does not condone these things. Islam does condone them. I see no justification.
What is Islam? Crap. Thats what it is. Bullshit. Rubbish, and dangerous too. Go back to the arabian sands dalahow and bury your head in it.