"One of the points I tried to make with my post is that if there is a god then humans could never understand its nature" Eryemil
I do not understand what your actual question is. Could you clarify a bit?
It seems to me you are running in circles. First of all, you are making an assumption that human beings' experience (the valid experience and understanding, anyways) is limited to logical thinking. Humans are either logical or illogical. Black or white.
I would argue that. But not right now.
You then go on to state that humans can not logically understand or explain an omniscient God. Ok, fine.
So speaking of it further is pointless, ain't it? If we (as people) can not understand Omni-God...how in the world can we talk about something which we do not know? And have not the ability to know?
Anyways, what's the q?