I've been told so many times that dogs don't "get even" or get angry and take it out on the furniture or poop on the floor but I have to wonder....do dogs get revenge?
Zoe does so well with the house training thing.
Except now, suddenly she is pooping on the floor.
We will be doing something other than playing with her or giving her our full attention and she will take off upstairs if we are downstairs or downstairs if we are upstairs, and poop. It seems to only happen when we are busy doing other things, and by the time you go to her, she's already gone. She poops at lightening speed. She doesn't give us signals or anything like she does normally.
When we are right there, watching her, playing, whatever, she goes to the door and scratches to be let out or stares us down to let us know she needs to go out.
I can't help but feel that she is trying to get back at us for not giving her our full attention and is saying "If you won't pay me attention, I will MAKE you pay attention."
What do you think? Am I putting too much human into my animal? Or do others who think dogs don't get angry put too little human into them?