Sun 12 Mar, 2006 06:45 pm
This article that I selected is so heavy but useful as a evidence..
''Like one struck points to the striker, and a finely fashioned work of art necessitates the artist, and an offspring requires a parent, and an under surface demands a top surface, and so on... like all these qualities known as relative matters which are not absolute and cannot exist without each other, contingency, which is apparent in particulars in the universe as well as in it as a whole, points to necessity. And the state of being acted upon which is to be seen in all of them points to an act, and the createdness apparent in all of them points to creativity, and the multiplicity and composition to be seen in all demand unity. And necessity, an act, creativity, and unity clearly and necessarily require one who is not contingent, acted upon, numerous, compounded, and created, but bears the attributes of being necessary, an agent, one, and a creator. In which case, all contingency, states of being acted upon, createdness, multiplicity and composition testify to the Necessarily Existent One, the One Who acts as He wills, the Creator of All Things, the Single One of Unity.
Author BSN
It's not evidence of anything.
It's just another version of the argument from design.
It's nothing more than a declaration of ignorance on your part as to how things can exist as they are without magic.
Ok it is not quite enough as a evidence.. Yes may be argument or contemplation. Thanks..