Wed 8 Mar, 2006 01:38 pm
I'm at a crossroads or else I'm dazed & confused - Clapton or Page ?
no, the question is, Johnson or King? (albert, not blues boy)
they are all very good, different styles.
Clapton is a great technician ,,,, Page more of a showman & perhaps more inventive.
I've been watching the Cream re-union dvd & am now watching LZ's How the West Was Won. It doesn't get easier
then there is Townshend, May & Slash, who have their merits
If you look at blues you can't ignore B B King & then John Lee Hooker's more minimal style.
Clapton and Hank Marvin, Page and Hendrix are guitarists? I had no idea
Re: guitars
Clapton recycles but Page innovates.
Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Jerry Garcia & Carlos Santana
my personal favorite... but i don't think he's in the Top 5 --
I think the really good guitarists need a very good bass player alongside them, too drive them to the heights. Playing strong bass lines bouncing off the lead, such as Bruce > Clapton on Politician,,,,
Jones > Page,,,, How Many More Times
Entwhistle > Townshend on Won't Get Fooled Again
A lot of bass players are merely back seat drivers, leaving the lead to play his own devices
oldandknew wrote:A lot of bass players are merely back seat drivers, leaving the lead to play his own devices
Unless you are talking about this man.

Les Claypool
Gauging the replies so far proves the axiom: "different strokes for different folks". My "stroke" votes go to Hendrix for his never-to-be duplicated innovations & inspirations as a rock guitarist and Keith Richards for his beautifully tasteful expansion of the Chuck Berry lexicon.
I'm torn between Steve Vai and Yngwe Malmsteen