Wed 8 Mar, 2006 07:07 am
A month or so ago there was an A2K thread from a man who wanted to know some of the technical points of dressing like a woman for three months.
I didn't post to this thread, but I noted it in passing. Now I'd like to pass it on to a friend with similar concerns and I can't find it.
Can anyone find the thread? Can anyone provide a short tutorial so I naver have to ask for help again?
In order to find something you have to define it the best you can. Very few words, but sound.
The subject you rise can be found on A2K (I found something that could fit) but the date, about a month, doesn't match.
Can you be more precise in your request?
Hope I did this right the link....
It's OK Noddy, you don't have to worry, as I have now worked out how to put it on properly.
You pinned down my problem--imprecise search words. Unfortunately, my mind boggles.
Lord E--
Glad to know that all is well at the manor.
Many thanks. That is the thread.