MA, We never got into the Puppy Pads thing because to me it confuses the dog. "ok I can go here in the house but not over here?" type thing.
She really isn't bad about the house training. I just don't want to think she's house trained too quickly because if she isn't, I could wake up to piles and puddles all over.
I learned that today....she has gone 5 days without an accident. And then tonight, just ran upstairs and pooped and peed on the carpet. She didn't go to the door. She just took off and went. Don't get it.
But life goes on.
We haven't punished her yet because well, she is just a puppy and hasn't done anything bad. I mean, we watch he closely. Shoes that get picked up are immediately removed from her mouth. If she starts to bite, we let her know it isn't acceptable. So if she doesn't like her crate it isn't because she thinks it's her bad place.
But the toy thing sounds like a good idea.....I may have to try it.
ehbeth, you have a boxer, right? If so, any suggestions on this highly entertaining, but frustrating breed? :wink:
GW, puppies are wonderful but so so so so so much more work than I really thought. I mean, you know they are going to be work but when you get one, it's so much more.
UPDATE: She fell asleep on the couch so I scooped her up and put her in her crate. And waited.....
The real test will be tonight at 3am when she wakes up to go potty. We shall see......
Thanks everyone!!!