Sat 25 Feb, 2006 11:15 pm
I was reading the
Near-Death page, when I came across this explanation that was gathered by an experiencer, Edgar Cayce, that has Jesus explain how God created all souls BEFORE creating the universe, just read this:
Quote:Before the universe was created, every soul that ever existed and will exist, including Jesus, was created by God. Millions of years ago, some of these souls entered into the universe and some entered the path of the earth and desired to experience it. They began to possess the bodies of ape-men and through the process of millions of years of evolution became homo sapiens. The race of humanity was influenced by a soul who had completed its experience of creation and returned to God. This is the soul known as Jesus. (Edgar Cayce)
That sounds like the most reasonable account of Creation out there. Even co-incides with evolution and explains how Jesus is the reason that all humans, not apes though, are now made in the likeness of God.
Well, my only question for you Bobbles, is what's wrong with the story of creation in the Bible? I always thought that explained everything fairly well.
Momma Angel wrote:Well, my only question for you Bobbles, is what's wrong with the story of creation in the Bible? I always thought that explained everything fairly well.
True, and I don't know what to think of that. I'm not particularly religious and don't follow organized religion, but I'm pretty sure now that there's an afterlife. And that's all we really need isn't it? Explanations of origins aren't so important.
Hmmmm. Have to think on that one a bit. Explanations of origins aren't so important? Don't know right now.
God had an near death experience and put Jesus into a chimp.
I like it.
A lot.
Momma Angel wrote:Hmmmm. Have to think on that one a bit. Explanations of origins aren't so important? Don't know right now.
Yeah, I just found this article at the site that explains the entire theory of the Human origins
according to Cayce. It includes the theory of Adam and Eve; I haven't finished reading it though.
Chumly wrote:God had an near death experience and put Jesus into a chimp.
I like it.
A lot.
The title should be "God did create evolution -- according to someone's Near-Death Experience" -----but the title wouldn't allow me for that much space.
Oh sorry about that I understand now.
I In The Beginning
i The concept of God
1) The concept of God is not as some father figure out beyond the stars or in a different plane of existence, but rather should be considered as originating in a different state of awareness, and should be likened to a sponge as exists in the Earth plane.
2) The sponge is a great mass of individual units which functions as a whole. But, force the sponge into separation and it still continues to function, though as individual units.
3) If you leave the individual units to their own devices in a common medium they, with the passage of time, will eventually gravitate back together into their original mass.
ii The continuance of God
1) In the beginning, which is in the continuance of God but into the Earth and other planes, there was a great void.
2) The absence in recollection of qualities of character such as selfish selfless love, which describes the various aspects of emotions in physical life, etc., was total.
3) That totality prevented the completion of experience of God.
iii The Law of God
1) In becoming separate Entities of God, the Units of God's Mass became subject to the Law of God:
2) The Entities were compelled to go forth from the Oneness of God and to experience;
3) The Entities are compelled to gravitate back to the Oneness of God as the fullness of their experience becomes complete.
iv The Laws for guidance
1) In order that the purpose of God's division could be accomplished and that the experience acquired would be positive, certain laws for the guidance and fulfillment of the Entities were established:
2) Each entity would choose its own path along which to experience;
3) Each entity would self-govern its own growth;
4) Each entity would self-discipline its own development;
5) No entity could gravitate further, back toward the Oneness of God, until resolving the negative aspects of its experience.
v The expansion of God
1) And so it came about that the Entities went out from the Oneness of God. The availability of experience to each entity was limited only by its own imagination.
2) But there was lacking the physical (earth) plane wherein imagination could be physically expressed and encountered.
3) So, many of the entities set about formulating the creation of the physical experience.
Often have i wondered
How very often have i wondered,
The purpose in life for me;
Was it simply because of random chance,
That my being came to be?
There must be more to reality,
Than just life and death on Earth;
Followed by Heaven for selected ones,
Fortunate enough to have gained "rebirth."
What i believe!
i don't believe in Heaven! i do believe in reincarnation! (Rebirth of the soul in another body.)
i believe that everyone is part of the spiritual composition/soul of God. The purpose of everyone is to go forth into the earth plane and other planes to "experience" and to ultimately gravitate back into the Oneness of God.
Along their paths of experience/knowledge acquisition, many entities (the spiritual particles of God) choose to enter (incarnate/reincarnate) the earth plane with various goals as purpose.
When the entity's physical body dies the entity goes back to a state or plane of existence where it considers its immediate past. It judges whether it accomplished those goals that it set out to accomplish and determines in which plane and under what circumstances it may need to incarnate in order to accomplish additional goals on its way back to the Oneness of God.
Essentially, the entity is its own judge as to accomplishments, failures, goals and the circumstances under which it chooses to incarnate.
The above is my opinion and is expounded upon in my treatise A Search For Truth:
( Check my WWW link at bottom of page )
Ethmer wrote:The concept of God is not as some father figure out beyond the stars.
Yes He is, and He came from the Near Death Experience of a chimpanzee.