Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:10 am
Wow - LB must have discovered a worm hole on the time-space continuum.

Doing homework on a Friday afternoon on 2/16?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:11 am
username wrote:
leesy, come on, your posts are pure whinging--poor, poor pitiful me, I've loooked so hard, I've worked an hour and a half and just now found out about what's in gunpowder, I've had to wade thru so much useless dreck.

I've gone to google five times now in the course of this topic and each time the Wikipedia article is the first hit, and it tells you what's in gunpowder and why it works (I knew it originally, but if I didn't I'd have found it out in under five minutes). Why on earth didn't you do that? Some of the other top hits are about the Gunpowder Plot. You're an Aussie, right? They must teach you some Brit history, given your Commonwealth status, so you should be able to eliminate those right off, or read one and realize it won't help you. I mean just a LITTLE work and you should be able to zero in on what will help you.

From your non-homework posts you seem like a good kid, sorry, good person, but you really should hit wikipedia and encarta and google before you hit us. And don't say it isn't there because it is. And if you need to know something that's not there, ask something specific. You wanted to know what "gunpowder is all about". There is no specificity there. It kills things is really a sufficient answer to that question. But that's probably not what your teacher wants. Which is something you never asked us. Why on earth did i get sucked into this discussion.

ok i am really sorry for wasting your time but i never said that the question in my homework was about gunpowder and trust me i did not ask you guy's first..... the only reason why i was telling you that i have loked through all that google stuff and not found what i wanted is because you were giving me a hard time about not looking in google but you dont listen when i say that i have so you say it again "go look in google" well guess what i have and thats the only reason why i told you that i did not find my information because u asked
and you can call me a kid WHATEVER i dont care
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:14 am
Chai Tea wrote:
Wow - LB must have discovered a worm hole on the time-space continuum.

Doing homework on a Friday afternoon on 2/16?

Haha right smart coments to make me feel stupid ok you may not think that it is a big deal to do homework on a friday afternoon and i dont think it is such a big deal......... i wouldnt stop everyone to tell them i am doing my homework on a friday afternoon wow i am so special but heaps of kids dont do homework on a fiday afternoon ....... i was simply trying to stress the point that i am making an effort with my homework
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:20 am
As far as I can see you're just crybabying

Back off a bit user Mad

shes a kid. prolly lives in the city never had to even think about gunpowder before.

part of learning is knowing how/what to ask and where to start. I understand where you are coming from though. Part of teaching is knowing when to give informaion and when to ask a kid a question.

LB even though you dont know it yet wading through all that junk you will have learned stuff. stuff you didnt need to know right now but still learned stuff. learning to use search engines is an art in itself as well

so now...............what makes the projectile go fast.
have you seen the cartoonsor movies where the gunpowder trail is lit and it burns al spitty and sparky to the barrell and then KABOOM the barrell explodes? whats the difference between the trail of gunpowder and the gunpowder in the barrel why doenst the gunpowder trail go KABOOM

I have to go out now but i will check in later you keep looking and maybe if you ask specifically enough someone else will help OK
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:24 am
chai In Aust its fri 17th afternoon/evening. We live in your future. Whos a silly girl now
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:25 am
Leesy, we're not trying to make you feel stupid. We told you where and how to find info. It's there. If you want something more specific, TELL US WHAT IT IS. You have repeatedly not done that. Look, people are willing to help, and point you to places where you can find out things, but you can't expect to ask something like "what's gunpowder all about" and get anything other than wisecracks (which actually we didn't give you). And you've got to do the work yourself, and not whinge. And good on you for doing it on Friday (actually you're doing it Thursday night my time, even better). But ask an answerable question next time, okay?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:26 am
ok thank you so much dadpad
i know that i need to search before asking other people but i didnt expect "username" to abuse me in the process
i do understand that he or she thinks i am cheating or trying to take the easy way out of my homework but if i couldnt be bothered to do my homework then i wouldnt even be bothered to be arguing with them
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:27 am
leesybabe wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
Wow - LB must have discovered a worm hole on the time-space continuum.

Doing homework on a Friday afternoon on 2/16?

Haha right smart coments to make me feel stupid ok you may not think that it is a big deal to do homework on a friday afternoon and i dont think it is such a big deal......... i wouldnt stop everyone to tell them i am doing my homework on a friday afternoon wow i am so special but heaps of kids dont do homework on a fiday afternoon ....... i was simply trying to stress the point that i am making an effort with my homework

you seem to be missing the point dear. This is not Friday afternoon.

Dadpad - I agree with you to an extent. It's just that I haven't decided if

a) LB doesn't know how to google correctly or
b) she's jerking us around.

What am I doing up? It's 1:30am here, and I just had to use the bathroom.

g'night, sweet dreams.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:28 am
dadpad wrote:
chai In Aust its fri 17th afternoon/evening. We live in your future. Whos a silly girl now

well, I'm always silly, but, how was I to know?

sorry on that one LB.

dadpad, still mad at your re that near incident on Lord Ellpus balconey.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:32 am
what do you mean i am missing the point IT IS A FRIDAY AFTERNOON HERE and i am not "jerking you around" maybe i dont know how to google properly but please give me a break

also username i havent asked the question twice (that i remember) i have just been trying to show you that I AM NOT CHEATING Crying or Very sad I am doing my homework honestly anf thats all
in future i will be more specific with my questions and i do think you have made some good points but i dont need them because i am noth the person who scams answers you dont seem to be understanding that Sad
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:33 am
Chai Tea wrote:
dadpad wrote:
chai In Aust its fri 17th afternoon/evening. We live in your future. Whos a silly girl now

well, I'm always silly, but, how was I to know?

sorry on that one LB.

dadpad, still mad at your re that near incident on Lord Ellpus balconey.

sorry i didnt see your reply before i wrote thats it is a friday afternoon
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 05:40 am
DUDE, chill, someone joined this site for the same reason i did, to get questiones answered, not to get bashed all the time!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 05:48 am
FINALY!! an answer that isnt mere bashery:)
and actually helpful:)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 05:49 am
if ya wanna know how to make it still, heres some directions for it

The formula for Black Powder is 75% Potassium Nitrate (5 Parts), 15% Charcoal (one Part), and 10% Sulfur (2/3 of 1 Part). These percentages are percentages by weight.
Mill the charcoal and sulfur for 4 hours.
Add the potassium nitrate to the ball mill.
Mill for 24 to 48 hours. The longer the better.
The result is called meal powder.

"The longer the Ball Mill runs, the stronger the Black Powder will be. A general rule of thumb for all pyrotechnic mixtures is " the finer the powder is, the faster it will burn ".

Use only non sparking media in the ball mill such as lead.
Do not smoke around gunpowder
Wear a mask
Wear gloves
Wear heavy clothes
Keep debris that could fly, such as rocks or metal, away from mill as they could hit you in an explosion.
To safe guard yourself, place sand bags around mill so explosion will be directed in the air.
If you are working the ball mill on a table, remove the nails; just use glue.

oh and btw, im pretty sure you can make a ball mill with a peanut butter jug, and lead balls, USE LEAD, NO SPARKS
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 06:56 am
uh, strike, you may not have noticed this topic was about homework from three years ago.
0 Replies

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