Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 10:49 pm
i dont really understand what gunpowder is all about!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean... Rolling Eyes actually i have no idea what it is about and how it works could anyone tell me more about it?????????
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 5,111 • Replies: 34
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:09 pm
google is a wonderful tool
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:20 pm
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:21 pm
hey, lees, we did your homework for you on energy to propel things thru the air. Now it's time you did some work on your own. As markr says, google is a wonderful tool. So is www.wikipedia.com Just type in 'gunpowder' and see what you get. For that matter, just look it up in the encyclopedia in your school library. It ain't rocket science (well it IS rocket science, in the sense that starting with the Chinese gunpowder propelled rockets, but even so it's simple). Do a little work and show you've at least looked at something and thought about it, and then come back and ask questions with some specific referents. It's your homework, not ours.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:33 pm
I just went to google, and now I know a bunch more about gunpowder than I did ten minutes ago. Do it yourself, and in ten minutesyou'll know it too.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:33 pm
ok, twelve minutes.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:35 pm
but I looked at a couple other topics on A2K during that time too, so, yeah, ten minutes tops. More likely, five.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:39 pm
its good to see you getting into the homework straight
after school LB. Congrats. I wish i could get my kids to do that.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 11:44 pm
username wrote:
Do a little work and show you've at least looked at something and thought about it, and then come back and ask questions with some specific referents. It's your homework, not ours.

hey thanks for the homework lecture but you have no idea how hard i actually have been working i am not a dumb girl i actually am quite bright so dont think i am slunking off on my homework ok listen i just thought someone could help me seing as looking on google really isnt as efficiant as you may think i have been looking up subjects for my homework on google and well things come up that are either absolutely USELESS or that i have already written down i come to you people as a last resort and thought you guys could be a great help to me
and if you need anything just let me know Very Happy
also i am doing my homework on a friday afternoon how lazy do you think i am??????????
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:03 am
dadpad wrote:
its good to see you getting into the homework straight
after school LB. Congrats. I wish i could get my kids to do that.

thanks dadpad i do try hard........ as much as the other people say... dont get me wrong i put in all my effort
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:05 am
So I went to google and wikipedia,the FIRST HIT, and got a bunch of stuff. What is it you think it's not telling you? Tell us what you have in fact learned. You want to know about gunpowder?

It goes boom, it hits something, it falls down dead.
That's it. That's what gunpowder is all about. That's what it's been all about for close to a thousand years.

Now what SPECIFICALLY do you think you need to know that google won't tell you?
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:08 am
I used to make real good bombs with icing sugar & potassium nitrate & water pipe!
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:18 am
so what can you tell me about gunpowder now LB? what products make up gunpowder.
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:22 am
username wrote:
So I went to google and wikipedia,the FIRST HIT, and got a bunch of stuff. What is it you think it's not telling you? Tell us what you have in fact learned. You want to know about gunpowder?

It goes boom, it hits something, it falls down dead.
That's it. That's what gunpowder is all about. That's what it's been all about for close to a thousand years.

Now what SPECIFICALLY do you think you need to know that google won't tell you?

actually the gunpowder doesnt kill the "something" the bullet does

and ARE YOU SERIOUS the first three links were not helpfull AT ALL
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:30 am
dadpad wrote:
so what can you tell me about gunpowder now LB? what products make up gunpowder.

i know that in the ancient times they mixed potassium nitrate and charcoal and sulphur to make the deadly explosive mixture

and yes i did fid that on google FINALLY but how long did it take i have been looking through all the links and i only just found that

i am not dumb as much as you people think Sad
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:32 am
first hit==Wikipedia--what gunpowder is made of, why it works, why the gun doesn't explode, brief history.

fourth hit--how to make gunpowder

fifth hit, second page--=rather comprehensive history of gunpowder and its use.

WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED, leesy? As far as I can see you're just crybabying.
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:35 am
And the ingredients are in the Wikipedia article, the FIRST HIT in google, which I told you about an hour ago. Your complaints about being overworked just don't ring true.
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 12:46 am
i am so sorry but i never said anything about being "over worked" and as for you thinking i am a crybaby ABOUT WHAT?? what exactly am i crying about honestly i just came to this web site for a TINY bit of help and all i get is abuse
i would understand you giving me hell IF I WAS a slack lazy kid that copies EVERYTHING off the internet and doesnt even bother changing the words but i am not that kind of person HONESTLY
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:00 am
Why mess with gunpowder? If you wanna blow stuff up, the internet will hand you endless recipes for explosives and pyrotechnics of exponentially more entertainment potential - many composed of common household items. Do it right, and you can get an absolutely astounding bang out of baking flour - sure to impress freinds and neighbors, likely to attract the attention of law enforcement, and possibly involving fire and rescue folks. Who could ask for anything more?

And if you switch your focus to common garden and garage stuff, you can move right into demolition's big leagues - though without proper grounding in chemistry and safety precautions, both you and your fame well could be very short-lived.
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 01:02 am
leesy, come on, your posts are pure whinging--poor, poor pitiful me, I've loooked so hard, I've worked an hour and a half and just now found out about what's in gunpowder, I've had to wade thru so much useless dreck.

I've gone to google five times now in the course of this topic and each time the Wikipedia article is the first hit, and it tells you what's in gunpowder and why it works (I knew it originally, but if I didn't I'd have found it out in under five minutes). Why on earth didn't you do that? Some of the other top hits are about the Gunpowder Plot. You're an Aussie, right? They must teach you some Brit history, given your Commonwealth status, so you should be able to eliminate those right off, or read one and realize it won't help you. I mean just a LITTLE work and you should be able to zero in on what will help you.

From your non-homework posts you seem like a good kid, sorry, good person, but you really should hit wikipedia and encarta and google before you hit us. And don't say it isn't there because it is. And if you need to know something that's not there, ask something specific. You wanted to know what "gunpowder is all about". There is no specificity there. It kills things is really a sufficient answer to that question. But that's probably not what your teacher wants. Which is something you never asked us. Why on earth did i get sucked into this discussion.
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