The Cartoon Wars

Reply Wed 15 Feb, 2006 10:13 am
We have entered the Cartoon Wars. This is a propaganda war in which fascist Islam is proclaiming that whatever they don't like, or find offensive, is punishable by death.
The reactions to the cartoons printed in the Danish newspaper, the Jyllands-Posten, range from hundreds of thousands of angry Muslims rioting, murdering and burning down buildings to Right Wing commentators in the United States who deplore the Islamic reaction yet proclaim that it was "stupid;" "unwise;" or simply "wrong," for the newspaper to publish these cartoons of Mohammad, considering the violent reactions throughout the Islamic world.
We are at war with fascist Islam.
Those who believe that it was "stupid" to publish the cartoons and "stupid" to continue publishing such inflammatory material are wrong. They are dead wrong. They are surrendering to fascism.
The Jyllands-Posten was doing what newspapers do all over the world. They published a controversial article. This article was about whether or not Danish cartoonists were intimidated by fear of retribution by fascists, who claim to be Muslims, if they were to depict the Muslim prophet, Mohammad.
We, who claim to live in the Free World, are fighting a war against these particular fascists who claim the religion of Islam as their primary weapon. These fascists use extreme violence and murder to propagate their goal of making everyone in the world, "a slave, a Muslim or dead."
This phrase, by the way, "a slave, a Muslim or dead," is from a ditty called "It's in the Koran," mocking Islamic fascists for murdering people. Since its anonymous author, "Patrick Henry," published this song on the internet, it has been removed from free sites "YouTube" and "Google Video," and his website hosted by Lycos has been taken down. These internet hosts found the song offensive to Muslims. And they banned it.
Islamic Fascists daily proclaim that their goal is to make the entire world "a slave, a Muslim or dead," and they proclaim that it is a holy mission.
Those that cherish free speech and believe that they should have the right to insult murderers and terrorists acquiesce to this self-proclaimed mission of Islamic world domination when they chastise the Jyllands-Posten for being "stupid" because they printed cartoons that inflame the Muslim world, or when they remove funny websites because they are offensive to Muslim fascists.
This is a serious mistake.
We are currently at war with two particularly virulent forms of Islam that believe in total world domination through murder and violence. The largest and most successful of these two forms of fascist Islam is Wahhabi Islam, which is a cultic form of Sunni Islam begun 250 years ago in the sands of the Najd of Saudi Arabia. Using this fanatical and intolerant form of Islam, the House of Saud managed to subjugate and conquer the entire Arabian peninsula, murdering hundreds of thousands and destroying whole cities, including all of the holy shrines of Mecca and Basra in Iraq, where Shia Islam originated. Saudi Arabia today exports this cult of fascist Islam to every country in the world and has been doing so for over fifty years. This latest Cartoon Jihad was planned and agreed upon by 57 Muslim countries that met in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in December.
It is this extreme, cultic form of Wahhabi Islam that prohibits their prophet from being depicted in pictures. As it prohibits any form of adulation to anything other than what Wahhabists decree is holy. These fascist Islamists destroyed all of the holy Muslim shrines all over the Middle East which were sources of pilgrimage for over 1,000 years. It was these fascist Wahhabist Taliban that destroyed the statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. These cultists believe that all people, including non-Wahhabist Muslims, are liable for death and destruction if they do not accept this fascist, Saudi Arabian, theocratic cult of death and destruction.
These same fascist Muslims are at war with the United States of America and attacked us on 9/11. Osama bin Laden is a Saudi Arabian Wahhabi. And now, through their acts of war, specifically the burning down of sovereign Danish embassies, they have declared war on Denmark and anyone else that would insult them for their murderous ways.
When the cult of "Wilayat Al-Faqih," the Rule of the Jurist, which is the fascist Shia cult practiced by the mullahs in Iran and hated by most Iranians, is added into this savage war, the result is two fascist powers vying for dominance in this war against the West and, against each other. Who can burn down more embassies? The Iranian backed Shia or the Saudi Arabian backed Wahhabis? Who can cause more destruction? Who can generate more fear?
Because that is their aim: to generate fear and sow terror amongst their enemies - which is anyone who refuses to believe what they believe.
The goal of our enemy is to make it illegal and immoral to offend the fascist forms of Saudi Arabian and Iranian Islam.
Their goal is to enforce the belief that when fascist Muslims are insulted, it is legitimate to murder people, burn down buildings and riot.
In ordinary Western countries, when people commit these kinds of crimes, they are labeled for what they are - criminals.
In ordinary Western countries, when people blame their criminal actions on others because "they made me feel bad;" or because "I am offended," we call these kinds of people psychotic.
When Western journalists and statesmen (such as the US Department of State which reportedly said ""Inciting religious or ethnic hatreds in this manner is not acceptable.") claim that printing these kinds of cartoons is "not acceptable," they are condoning psychotic, criminal behavior.
The claims and the behaviors of Muslims who support this kind of fascist violence is criminal and psychotic.
The behavior of the Danish newspaper that printed these cartoons is ordinary and mundane. They behaved as newspapers have always behaved. They published material that some people find offensive. That's all they did.
It is not their fault or responsibility that psychotic, criminally insane, fascist, Muslims were offended and therefore burned down buildings and murdered people.
It is not their fault that the countries such as Saudi Arabia, that support fascist Islam should decide to boycott Danish products and incite a global Cartoon Jihad.
The Jyllands-Posten should have published the story; should continue publishing stories like this, and so should everyone else. Every television newscast; every magazine; every newspaper, should show these cartoons over and over again to simply prove the point that we will not surrender to the whims and psychosis' of criminal, Muslim fascists.
We are in a war where the religious fascists are proclaiming that if we print things they don't like; that if we dress in ways that they disapprove of; that if we live our lives in ways that are prohibited by their beliefs, then they will destroy us. And they back up their threats by sending out their Islamic shock troops out in an orgy of destruction and murder.
Every cartoon not published; every word censored for fear of offense; every website removed out of fear, is giving aid and comfort to our avowed enemy.
We are at war with fascist Islam. And every time we allow ourselves to be censored or to change what is ordinary and mundane out of fear of offending Muslims, we are surrendering to their way of life - which is a way of life that is barbaric, hateful, and violent.
We must not surrender. We must publish.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,148 • Replies: 17
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Reply Wed 15 Feb, 2006 10:28 am
Newspapers "censor words for fear of offense" every day. Whenever they decide not to run a column with racist epithets, or cartoons of Jesus that they think would offend their Christian readers (as the very same Jyllands-Posten had done, before they decided that in the case of Mohammed, they did not care about offending readers); whenever they don't publish a letter to the editor that is too hateful.

The truth is that there is always more news than column space, and the job of editors is a continuous process of selection. Questions of taste and decency, considerations of whether or not it is worth it to offend sections of the readership, play a role every day in the decision whether or not to run a contribution, or which one to run.

Jyllands-Posten decided matters of taste were irrelevant in this case, even when it made the opposite decision in the Jesus case. I'm fine with deciding that the urgency of an issue overrides the 'good taste' consideration of not needlessly offending readers; it's just I'm totally unclear what overriding urgency the matter of depicting or not depicting the Prophet can reasonably be said to have had.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Feb, 2006 10:47 am
nimh wrote:
Newspapers "censor words for fear of offense" every day. Whenever they decide not to run a column with racist epithets, or cartoons of Jesus that they think would offend their Christian readers (as the very same Jyllands-Posten had done, before they decided that in the case of Mohammed, they did not care about offending readers); whenever they don't publish a letter to the editor that is too hateful.

The truth is that there is always more news than column space, and the job of editors is a continuous process of selection. Questions of taste and decency, considerations of whether or not it is worth it to offend sections of the readership, play a role every day in the decision whether or not to run a contribution, or which one to run.

Jyllands-Posten decided matters of taste were irrelevant in this case, even when it made the opposite decision in the Jesus case. I'm fine with deciding that the urgency of an issue overrides the 'good taste' consideration of not needlessly offending readers; it's just I'm totally unclear what overriding urgency the matter of depicting or not depicting the Prophet can reasonably be said to have had.

Offhand, I would say it's because you do not accept my premise - that we are at war with a particular kind of fascist Islam.
If your neighbor told you that he would burn down your house and murder your children if you did not dress the way he thought was proper and, he had already burned down houses and murdered children, then you might believe that he was out to harm you.
You could either dress the way he wants or not dress the way he wants, at which point he will claim that he is offended, burn down your house and murder your children.
So, yes, not dressing in a manner that he sees fit is admittedly annoying him and, by his lights, insulting him.
Is it therefore good judgement to dress the way he sees fit and therefore not needlessly insult him?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:49 pm
Israeli group announces anti-Semitic cartoons contest!
An unexpected comic relief in this affair. I might be repeating one of the comments there, but this kind of things makes me proud to be Jewish (yes!):

[url=http://boomka.org/blog/?p=1]Boomka[/url] wrote:
Eyal Zusman (30, back from anonymity) and Amitai Sandy (29), graphic artist and publisher of Dimona Comix Publishing, from Tel-Aviv, Israel, have followed the unfolding of the “Muhammad cartoon-gate” events in amazement, until finally they came up with the right answer to all this insanity - and so they announced today the launch of a new anti-Semitic cartoons contest - this time drawn by Jews themselves!

“We’ll show the world we can do the best, sharpest, most offensive Jew hating cartoons ever published!” said Sandy “No Iranian will beat us on our home turf!”

The contest has been announced today on the www.boomka.org website, and the initiators accept submissions of cartoons, caricatures and short comic strips from people all over the world. The deadline is Sunday March 5, and the best works will be displayed in an Exhibition in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Sandy is now in the process of arranging sponsorships of large organizations, and promises lucrative prizes for the winners, including of course the famous Matzo-bread baked with the blood of Christian children.

For more info contact:
Amitai at [email protected] or 972-54-316-4117
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:40 pm
And...as madness mirrors madness, Danish pastries join French fries in the war of ridiculous names:

Freedom Fries, anyone?'

"Iran targets Danish pastries

Friday 17 February 2006, 21:55 Makka Time, 18:55 GMT

The renaming is the latest act of protest against Denmark

Coffee drinkers in Tehran may soon get a blank look when they ask for a "Danish" to go with their espresso.

The ubiquitous Danish pastry is the latest casualty of the outrage over the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper last year.

The sweet snacks will now be known as "Roses of the Prophet Muhammad" after Iran’s confectioners’ union ordered the name change in bakeries across the country’s capital.

"Given the insults by Danish newspapers against the prophet, as of now the name of Danish pastries will give way to 'Rose of Muhammad' pastries," the union said in its order.

Ahmad Mahmoudi, a cake shop owner in Northern Tehran said the name change was "a punishment for those who started misusing freedom of expression to insult the sanctities of Islam."

Mixed response

Iranians love sweets of any kind, often bringing candies and pastries to social gatherings. Danish pastries are an extremely popular

"I just want the sweet pastries"

Zohreh Masoumi,
pastry fan

One of Tehran's most popular bakeries, "Danish Pastries," covered up the word "Danish" on its sign with a black banner saying "Oh Hussein," a reference to a martyred saint of Shia Islam. The banner is a traditional sign of mourning.

Elsewhere, in Zartosht street, cake shop owner Mahdi Pedari didn't cover up the word "Danish pastries" on his menu, but put the new name next to it.

Some customers took immediately to the new name. But others were less enthusiastic about the protest.

"I just want the sweet pastries. I have nothing to do with the name," Zohreh Masoumi told the member of staff taking her order.

Symbolic gesture

Islam widely holds that representations of Muhammad are banned for fear they could lead to idolatry. At least 19 people have been killed in protests over cartoons during the past several weeks, most of them in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Consumer boycotts of Danish goods, from Havarti cheese to Lego, are costing Denmark's companies millions in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Muslim countries.

The Danish's distinctive dough was first created in the 17th century by a French apprentice baker who forgot to add butter to the flour and tried to hide his mistake by folding lumps of it into the dough. It became known as “a thousand leaves” in France.

The renaming of the pastry is more a symbolic gesture than an economic one.

In Iran, all the pastries are domestically baked and not imported. Iran has cut all commercial ties with Denmark in retaliation for the prophet cartoons.

It is not the first time a food name has become a symbol of protest. A Republican congressman from North Carolina helped lead an effort to make sure Capitol Hill eateries changed their menus to advertise "freedom fries" instead of french fries after France opposed the US-led invasion of Iraq."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:44 pm

The sweet snacks will now be known as "Roses of the Prophet Muhammad

I'm gonna go into the bakery in town tomorrow and when Joe says, "What can I get for you, Gus?" I'll reply "Cup of coffee, black, and a Rose of the Prophet Muhammad, Joe."

I can't wait to see the look on his face.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:51 pm
And, on a more seriou snote, the EU weighs in re trade embargoes:

"EU warns on Danish boycott

Monday 30 January 2006, 16:23 Makka Time, 13:23 GMT

The threat was delivered by Mandelson to a Saudi minister

The European Union has warned Saudi Arabia that the bloc will take action at the World Trade Organisation if the Riyadh government supports a boycott of Danish goods.

Peter Mandelson, the EU trade commissioner, told the Saudi Minister of State that any Danish boycott would be a boycott of the European Union.

Peter Power, a EU spokesman, said on Monday: "He made it clear that if the Saudi government had encouraged the boycott, Commissioner Mandelson would regret having to take the issue to the WTO."

A Danish newspaper's publication of caricatures of Prophet Muhammad has led to tension between Denmark and some Muslim countries.

The Saudi minister told Mandelson the government had not encouraged the boycott.

Denmark told Riyadh it did not support the incitement of racial hatred, but could not condemn the free expression of the press.

The European Union executive agreed.

Johannes Laitenberger, EU Commission spokesman, said: "The exercise of these freedoms must be respected.

"It is the public debate on the pros and on the cons of the views expressed that is the right form of reaction in a democratic and pluralistic society, and pressure not to exercise these freedoms is unacceptable." ................."

Full article here:


But...cartoon wars indeed....holy batsheba, Batman's here!!!

"Batman takes on al-Qaida

Tuesday 14 February 2006, 21:09 Makka Time, 18:09 GMT

In the latest comic book, Batman "kicks al-Qaida's ass"

Bored with pitting his wits against the Joker and the Riddler, Batman is setting his sights on a more challenging target - Osama bin Laden.

Frank Miller, the famed Batman writer, sees the caped crusader facing off against al-Qaida operatives who attack Gotham City in Holy Terror, Batman!

Miller, who has inked his way through 120 pages of the 200-page opus, told a recent comic book convention that the novel was an unashamed "piece of propaganda" in which Batman "kicks al-Qaida's ass".

The driving force behind the work, Miller said, was "an explosion from my gut reaction of what's happening now".

Holy Terror is "a reminder to people who seem to have forgotten who we're up against", he said in remarks posted on an entertainment website, IGN.com.

Miller, a 20-year comic book veteran, became one of the best known names in the industry with the graphic novel Dark Knight Returns, in which he brought Batman out of retirement.

He was also the creator of the graphic novel series Sin City, which was turned into a hit movie of the same name last year directed by Miller, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino.

Comic propoganda

Miller said the use of comic book heroes for propaganda had an honourable tradition.

"Superman punched out Hitler. So did Captain America. That's one of the things they're there for," he said.

"These are our folk heroes. It just seems silly to chase around the Riddler when you've got al-Qaida out there."

No date has been set for the release of Holy Terror, Batman! "


But...so is Jalila:

"Arab superheroes take to the air

Friday 23 September 2005, 11:52 Makka Time, 8:52 GMT

AK Comics has been published since 2004

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Jalila, the new Arab super heroine, coursing across the sky, black hair flying, in her battle to right the wrongs and ensure that justice prevails in the Middle East.

"I'll make you swallow your teeth, killer!" she threatens her foe, muscles rippling under her skin-tight garb, as she lands a hard right to the chops.

Tough as she is, Jalila, the creation of 36-year-old Egyptian Ayman Kandeel, is not left on her own to fight the forces of evil.

There are also Aya the Princess of Darkness, Zein the Last Pharaoh and Rakan the Lone Warrior.

Each month, an entire issue is dedicated to just one of the four.

Kandeel founded AK Comics in Cairo in 2003 to create a comic strip to compete with Superman, Batman and other Western super heroes, in hopes of dominating the local market.

"AK Comics characters are to represent a role model for Arab youth and also to promote, advocate and endorse a positive as well as civilized image of Arabs in the West", according to the company's mission statement.


Zein, Aya and Jalila live in an imaginary era, sometime after a 55-year-war, which ended with a peace in the Middle East that is maintained by the United Arab Forces................."

Full story here:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:57 pm
Iran has a confectioners union ?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 08:06 pm
So, there I was, trying to avoid the 38th thread where news items about cartoongate are starting to get collected and arguments are repeated, but I saw, last poster, LionTamerX. Hey, thats odd, I thought, dont see him much on those kind of threads, but he does always have something sensible to say, in general I mean, so, depite myself, I clicked on the thread title anyway.

I knew it would be worth the effort.

Thats possibly the most a propos question thats yet been asked in any of these threads.

Iran has a confectioners union?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 09:09 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2006 07:34 pm
We can all sigh in relief as the day has been saved yet again by a comic book hero Im sure bn laden is shaking in his boots in the certain nowledge that batman is now on his case.....Rolling Eyes

................while back here on plant earth **** continues to hit the fan.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 11:53 am
Attempt to Ban Cartoon, Jail Artist

News/Comment; Posted on: 2003-11-29 10:36:05 by Jeff Hook

A cartoon of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon eating the head of a Palestinian baby against the backdrop of a burning Palestinian city has won first prize in the British Political Cartoon Society's annual competition.

Winning artist Dave Brown depicts Ariel Sharon as saying: "What's wrong? Have you never seen a politician kissing a baby?" In the background are U.S.-supplied Apache attack helicopters sending missiles from the cockpit with the message "Vote Likud" - the prime minister's party.

In his acceptance speech, Brown thanked the Israeli Embassy for its angry reaction to the cartoon, which he said had contributed greatly to its publicity.

The Israeli embassy had instantly denounced the caricature as "anti-Semitic" and tried to get it banned. They also demanded that Mr. Brown be arrested for violating "hate speech" laws. The resulting publicity was enormous.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 12:08 pm
stevewonder wrote:
Attempt to Ban Cartoon, Jail Artist

News/Comment; Posted on: 2003-11-29 10:36:05 by Jeff Hook

A cartoon of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon eating the head of a Palestinian baby against the backdrop of a burning Palestinian city has won first prize in the British Political Cartoon Society's annual competition.

Winning artist Dave Brown depicts Ariel Sharon as saying: "What's wrong? Have you never seen a politician kissing a baby?" In the background are U.S.-supplied Apache attack helicopters sending missiles from the cockpit with the message "Vote Likud" - the prime minister's party.

In his acceptance speech, Brown thanked the Israeli Embassy for its angry reaction to the cartoon, which he said had contributed greatly to its publicity.

The Israeli embassy had instantly denounced the caricature as "anti-Semitic" and tried to get it banned. They also demanded that Mr. Brown be arrested for violating "hate speech" laws. The resulting publicity was enormous.

No, no, of course it's fascism.
Surely when Jews all over the world started murdering Britains and burning down their embassies, this was clearly fascism.
Surely when the Jews rammed through the laws making Sharon cartoons against the law in Europe and the UN, this was fascism.
Surely when United States papers refused to print the offensive cartoon, this was fascism.
Surely, when the protests and riots, in every country in the world where there are Jews, went on for months in an orgy of destruction and violence, this was fascism.
The world has had to re-evaluate its entire attitude towards cartoons mocking Sharon ever since that horrific time when all of World Jewry rose up in a fascist enclave to force Great Britain and its cartoonists to change their ways.
Those fascist Jews have made sure that Sharon was never, and never will be, mocked again...
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 12:12 pm
stevewonder wrote:
The resulting publicity was enormous.
sorry never heard of it
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 12:19 pm
Moishe3rd wrote:
stevewonder wrote:
Attempt to Ban Cartoon, Jail Artist

News/Comment; Posted on: 2003-11-29 10:36:05 by Jeff Hook

A cartoon of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon eating the head of a Palestinian baby against the backdrop of a burning Palestinian city has won first prize in the British Political Cartoon Society's annual competition.

Winning artist Dave Brown depicts Ariel Sharon as saying: "What's wrong? Have you never seen a politician kissing a baby?" In the background are U.S.-supplied Apache attack helicopters sending missiles from the cockpit with the message "Vote Likud" - the prime minister's party.

In his acceptance speech, Brown thanked the Israeli Embassy for its angry reaction to the cartoon, which he said had contributed greatly to its publicity.

The Israeli embassy had instantly denounced the caricature as "anti-Semitic" and tried to get it banned. They also demanded that Mr. Brown be arrested for violating "hate speech" laws. The resulting publicity was enormous.

No, no, of course it's fascism.
Surely when Jews all over the world started murdering Britains and burning down their embassies, this was clearly fascism.
Surely when the Jews rammed through the laws making Sharon cartoons against the law in Europe and the UN, this was fascism.
Surely when United States papers refused to print the offensive cartoon, this was fascism.
Surely, when the protests and riots, in every country in the world where there are Jews, went on for months in an orgy of destruction and violence, this was fascism.
The world has had to re-evaluate its entire attitude towards cartoons mocking Sharon ever since that horrific time when all of World Jewry rose up in a fascist enclave to force Great Britain and its cartoonists to change their ways.
Those fascist Jews have made sure that Sharon was never, and never will be, mocked again...
Rolling Eyes

I thin you wll find that fascism is ideological before it manifests itself into a collective.
case in point being zionism, which is ideologically fascist and then exhibted that fascism in the form of a system.
Governmental fascism is far more dangerous than mob mahem, i thin history will bear witness to that point.
Your points are absurd because they stem form self denial.
It is abusrd that you choose to selectivley determine what and who is a fascist., as though ethinicty makes on immune to fascism.
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 12:21 pm
and who is this steve bloke

its trademarked you know

pat reg.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 01:01 pm
stevewonder wrote:
Moishe3rd wrote:
stevewonder wrote:
Attempt to Ban Cartoon, Jail Artist

News/Comment; Posted on: 2003-11-29 10:36:05 by Jeff Hook

A cartoon of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon eating the head of a Palestinian baby against the backdrop of a burning Palestinian city has won first prize in the British Political Cartoon Society's annual competition.

Winning artist Dave Brown depicts Ariel Sharon as saying: "What's wrong? Have you never seen a politician kissing a baby?" In the background are U.S.-supplied Apache attack helicopters sending missiles from the cockpit with the message "Vote Likud" - the prime minister's party.

In his acceptance speech, Brown thanked the Israeli Embassy for its angry reaction to the cartoon, which he said had contributed greatly to its publicity.

The Israeli embassy had instantly denounced the caricature as "anti-Semitic" and tried to get it banned. They also demanded that Mr. Brown be arrested for violating "hate speech" laws. The resulting publicity was enormous.

No, no, of course it's fascism.
Surely when Jews all over the world started murdering Britains and burning down their embassies, this was clearly fascism.
Surely when the Jews rammed through the laws making Sharon cartoons against the law in Europe and the UN, this was fascism.
Surely when United States papers refused to print the offensive cartoon, this was fascism.
Surely, when the protests and riots, in every country in the world where there are Jews, went on for months in an orgy of destruction and violence, this was fascism.
The world has had to re-evaluate its entire attitude towards cartoons mocking Sharon ever since that horrific time when all of World Jewry rose up in a fascist enclave to force Great Britain and its cartoonists to change their ways.
Those fascist Jews have made sure that Sharon was never, and never will be, mocked again...
Rolling Eyes

I thin you wll find that fascism is ideological before it manifests itself into a collective.
case in point being zionism, which is ideologically fascist and then exhibted that fascism in the form of a system.
Governmental fascism is far more dangerous than mob mahem, i thin history will bear witness to that point.
Your points are absurd because they stem form self denial.
It is abusrd that you choose to selectivley determine what and who is a fascist., as though ethinicty makes on immune to fascism.
Rolling Eyes

A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
Oppressive, dictatorial control.
Italian fascismo, from fascio, group, from Late Latin fascium, from Latin fascis, bundle

Yes, Steviewonder, I see your point.... not.
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2006 01:12 pm
Moishe3rd wrote:
stevewonder wrote:
Moishe3rd wrote:
stevewonder wrote:
Attempt to Ban Cartoon, Jail Artist

News/Comment; Posted on: 2003-11-29 10:36:05 by Jeff Hook

A cartoon of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon eating the head of a Palestinian baby against the backdrop of a burning Palestinian city has won first prize in the British Political Cartoon Society's annual competition.

Winning artist Dave Brown depicts Ariel Sharon as saying: "What's wrong? Have you never seen a politician kissing a baby?" In the background are U.S.-supplied Apache attack helicopters sending missiles from the cockpit with the message "Vote Likud" - the prime minister's party.

In his acceptance speech, Brown thanked the Israeli Embassy for its angry reaction to the cartoon, which he said had contributed greatly to its publicity.

The Israeli embassy had instantly denounced the caricature as "anti-Semitic" and tried to get it banned. They also demanded that Mr. Brown be arrested for violating "hate speech" laws. The resulting publicity was enormous.

No, no, of course it's fascism.
Surely when Jews all over the world started murdering Britains and burning down their embassies, this was clearly fascism.
Surely when the Jews rammed through the laws making Sharon cartoons against the law in Europe and the UN, this was fascism.
Surely when United States papers refused to print the offensive cartoon, this was fascism.
Surely, when the protests and riots, in every country in the world where there are Jews, went on for months in an orgy of destruction and violence, this was fascism.
The world has had to re-evaluate its entire attitude towards cartoons mocking Sharon ever since that horrific time when all of World Jewry rose up in a fascist enclave to force Great Britain and its cartoonists to change their ways.
Those fascist Jews have made sure that Sharon was never, and never will be, mocked again...
Rolling Eyes

I thin you wll find that fascism is ideological before it manifests itself into a collective.
case in point being zionism, which is ideologically fascist and then exhibted that fascism in the form of a system.
Governmental fascism is far more dangerous than mob mahem, i thin history will bear witness to that point.
Your points are absurd because they stem form self denial.
It is abusrd that you choose to selectivley determine what and who is a fascist., as though ethinicty makes on immune to fascism.
Rolling Eyes

A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
Oppressive, dictatorial control.
Italian fascismo, from fascio, group, from Late Latin fascium, from Latin fascis, bundle

Yes, Steviewonder, I see your point.... not.
Rolling Eyes

A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
Oppressive, dictatorial control. "

Thanks for that definition.
In relation to the indigenous population of Palestine that is exactly what the zionist ideology is, and your denial does not remove its reality.
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