the sleeper wrote:why get on him for making a good point, he would have had to read it to get the quote
No, that quote is splattered all over the internet, on forums, groups, blogs, and boards mostly of the religionist sort - and notably not in evidence on any of the strictly philosophic, rhetoric, or logic forums, groups, blogs or boards I frequent. Frankly, I doubt anyone who's cut-and-pasted it since first it appeared some years ago on a usenet group has read
The Republic
rl wrote:Well, he titled the thread "Plato" , so I don't think he is pretending to be the author, is he? Maybe he just thought it was a good springboard for discussion.
No question of claim to authorship. However, should one wish a plank to serve as a springboard, one might be expected to provide an anchor and a fulcrum ... as it is, the plank baz tossed out pretty much is just laying there unattached to anything, getting kicked around but not getting used by anyone who's noticed it so far. I'd say what was accomplished more resembles littering than building a discussion framework.