Tue 7 Feb, 2006 10:42 am
If i were God i would be existing in a realm of non-physical existence. i would probably be alone. i would probably be inexperienced because there was nothing through which to experience.
i would create a universe by inserting a thought (or spark of "energy") into a given spot which would allow it to evolve (the beginning of matter).
i would divide myself into my infinite parts and charge those parts (entities) to go forth without and within the universe to gain experience and knowledge and eventually, as their knowledge becomes complete, gravitate back into the Oneness of God.
The entities would cause the universe to evolve and creatures to evolve within which the entities could experience physical existence. The entities could incarnate many times in order to gain as broad a total experience as possible and to overcome negative experiences of past incarnations.
i would be content with the knowledge that eventually the particles of my being will one day again be whole but with great experience and knowledge not otherwise obtainable.
I am perfect therefore my particles are perfect. However, they have free will to experiment as they may choose with the requirement that they resolve all negative experiences prior to returning to the Oneness of God.
Although entities have prior knowledge of what the physical circumstances of their incarnation will be, it is based upon probabilities rather than certainties. They choose their incarnation experience because of what they hope to gain or experience.
i choose
i chose to be born, - to live or die,
Even the sex, that would be i;
i chose the race, from which to appear,
Also my wealth, my health and my fear.
i chose my trials and stumbling blocks,
And the legs i would use, in all of those walks;
i chose my sadness, my joy and my love,
i chose to serve and not be above.
i chose this life - with all of its dues,
And with each dawn, again i choose;
The experiences for me that wait ahead,
To be alive, or be claimed dead.
And of the future lives i've yet,
It is my choice that i begat;
All the things, however pleasin',
That shall befall me in those seasons.
Purpose and Effort
Our Purpose is to Be!
Our Effort is to Grow! -
1. To gain Knowledge, Experience
and Understanding.
2. To share That We Are!
We should be in Harmony
If you're in my here and now,
Then it is certainly meant to be;
That for this moment, at this time,
We should be in Harmony.
Why? You ask. What is the reason?
That "fate" has brought us near;
Well, the only way we're going to know,
Is by listening - until we hear.
The purpose may be for you,
Or maybe even me;
Or maybe even someone else,
Whom we may not yet see.
But our meeting which brings together,
A fruition of our being;
Is meant to be of benefit,
In helping someone else to seeing.
For we all are our brothers' keepers,
Enlightening and guiding their way;
As we strive to fulfill our charge,
To gather back together - Whole someday.
But grant to each their individuality,
Their right to choose their path alone;
For though the roads may twist and turn,
All roads eventually do lead Home!
We Are! Therefor, GOD IS!
God, is not a Christian!
God, is not a Pagan!
God, IS GOD of all cultures,
Regardless of their perceptions!
God: is God!
God: is That God Was!
God: will be That God Is!
God: Is!
I: am God!
I: am That I Was!
I: will be That I Am!
I: Am!
You: are God!
You: are That You Were!
You: will be That You Are!
You: Are!
We: are God!
We: are That We Were!
We: will be That We Are!
We: Are!
GOD IS !!!
and that's the name of that tune.
if i were god, hmmm....
i'd tell all the dickheads using my name for profit (falwell, robertson and the like) to cut it out or i'd turn them into sea slugs
i'd tell the folks who go way to overboard in their adoration of me to reign it in a bit, it's getting tiresome
i'd tell the folks who don't believe in me but are generally decent people, see ya later, we're cool
then i'd hit the casinos, break the house, grab some chicks and go on a road trip, when that got boring i'd maybe create some new folks on another planet and see what mischief i could get up to with them