Re: Computers are not the answer
Using Edison as a predictive barometer of how technology has or has not affected education is specious reasoning at best and clearly irrelevant. To say the misuse of TV and film and computers as a medium for education must mean it's efficacy as an educational tool is marginal is dubious logic at best.
detano inipo wrote:"There have been no advances over the past decade that can be confidently attributed to broader access to computers," said Stanford University professor of education Larry Cuban in 2001, summarizing the existing research on educational computing. "The link between test-score improvements and computer availability and use is even more contested."
Having a professor of education with an obvious interest in maintaining the satus quo come out against technology vis-a-vis education smells self-serving and biased.
detano inipo wrote:
Recent research, including a University of Munich study of 174,000 students in 31 countries, indicates that students who frequently use computers perform worse academically than those who use them rarely or not at all.
To impute such a cause and effect is clearly rife with logical fallacies. You could well find all sorts of superficially apparent cause and effects with things like skin color, language choice, ethnic background, body height, sexual preference, sexual experience, etc.
If this is the state of the art for the rationales against newer technologies aiding education, it is embarrassingly weak.