Ali wrote:
Quote:lolll, hilarious indeed, but when its in ur favor then it becomes literal right? lolll, buddy go read about the laws of rape that god made in the bible, and how raped women were forced to marry their rapists.
I've already addressed that in my previous post. If you find my explanation insufficient, feel free to say so; however, don't act like I ignored it. Also, I don't know what you are referring to when you say that it becomes literal when it's in my favor. Old Testament law
is literal. There's really no other way to look at it.
On to the your other points in this thread: First of all, I've already stated and will state again that the Christian does not consider the Talmud to be Scripture. I may disagree with the Talmud (which was the Israelites' interpretation of the law, as well as other traditions they held) while still being consistent as a Christian who believes the Bible. It's not a sacred book.
About the website links you provided on this thread: none of the verses in the Bible that were referenced say anything
at all about raping 3 year old girls. You say that the Talmud says it. To me it doesn't matter. I disagree with the Talmud (just like I wouldn't agree with the traditions found in a lot of other ancient books). Using it as a weapon against Christianity just isn't effective.
Also, the Bible itself condemns a lot of the things that the Israelites chose to do. Just because the Israelites did it doesn't mean that the Bible condones it.
As to dashing babies against rocks... Psalm 137:8-9 says this: "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."
My suggestion is this: Read the entire Psalm. These are not words coming out of the Christian God's mouth - they are words coming from an exile living in Babylon. It is a plea to God for deliverance. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate that God would have been pleased had someone actually harmed children in this way.