real life wrote:rhymer wrote:Yes indeed, we do exist (at least I think so).
However, I have come to a different conclusion from yours regarding 'creation'.
I believe that what exists (in its most fundamental form) has always existed. Things made up from fundamental forms have existed since they became existant or evolved.
There was no start, there will be no end.
But things definitely change, perhaps from mass to energy and back again, totally or partially (Big Bangs, perhaps many of them).
You see, nothing can happen without cause(s).
Therefore there can have been no first cause.
OK., matter and energy may be transported to different points in space and appear to be 'created', but it only seems so because the transportaion is invisible to us.
This does not kill off your 'God' by the way.
If God(s) do exist, they are products of development of the system which has been running permanently as I said before.
Entropy poses quite a big problem for your view.
ENTROPY definition - "a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work"
I do not presume that the matter and energy of which we are aware is limited to the Universal entities of which we are currently aware.
Maybe energy can be transferred between 'our' system and limitless other systems of which we are totally ignorant because they are so far away.
These are just my ideas by the way: please don't just accept them or reject them because you don't want to think about them, see if they hold any worthwhile consideration, develop them, criticise them logically as 'real life' has done, for the benefit of all.