Sorry, Intrepid. We're talking about Nermal, here. He may not be quite normal, but my little clown is fearless. If I threatened him with a gun, he'd make me either eat it, or use it.
My cat crawls unto my belly anytime I roll onto my back. The thing is I tend to sleep on my back when my bladder's full. Little bugger.....
Ah! Nermal always nails me right in the femorial nerve.
and I wouldn't trust bvt's cat transport service, either - you're better off not asking and not knowing!
Now that you mention it, margo. . . .
I have a cat that does this too. I just call it kneading. Over the years I have had many cats and found that all the ones that kept doing this past kittenhood were cats that were abandoned by their mothers or shelter cats. All the kittens I have had do it but always grew out of it except the ones that didn't spend enough time nursing. I think it may be some kind of emotional thing. Despite the deep rooted reasons, the fact that your cat does it to you does mean he loves you and sees you as his surrogate mother. The cat I have now that still kneads on me was a shelter cat and he is inseparable from me when I am home. I have found that the only thing that works is just to let him knead and purr himself to sleep.
littlek wrote:My cat crawls unto my belly anytime I roll onto my back
I believe I would exhibit the same behavior.
My cat kneads on me and she is an old girl. I had never heard of all these cute names for it, like 'making muffins' before. It makes sense that it would be because of abandonment/too early weaning. My girl came from the shelter and had other 'habits' when I first got her. She dropped a lot of the negative behavior/scaredy cat stuff once she got used to her home, but she still kneads me every time we cuddle.
I just make sure my blanket is inbetween her claws and my skin, and the kneading actually feels like a lil massage.
Total agreement with Aldistar on this one. Even though some of my cats who weren't weaned too early did that occasionally in moments of high bliss, they did it far less.