Thu 19 Jan, 2006 11:09 am
Dear friends,
I've been thinking about a lot of things I've seen here at A2K from those proclaiming to be followers of Christ. Some of it good, some of it disturbing. I'm not writing this to put anyone down or to make them feel bad about who they are or what they say. I'm writing this because I care about everyone here and I care about the image we portray sometimes of what it means to be "christian". I actually hope that somehow, some will find this to be and encouragement.
It is easy to sit in a high seat and look down on others when you've never sat in a low seat and been looked at from the "higher" perspective.
It's is easy to say words that are hurtful when someone is hurting you.
It is easy to get caught up in trying to outwit someone when they make you feel like what you believe is stupid.
It is easy to be judgemental and critical when it seems no one agree's with what you are saying.
It is easy to claim good intentions in doing these things but just because your intentions are good that doesn't justify your actions. It is a matter of motive above intentions. If your motive is right your actions will follow. That's what I believe at least.
It has been said to me by people here that they've felt at times I was trying to "sneak" into the other "camp" by not defining specifically which side I was on. I've wondered how many have thought that. I want it to be known though I was never on either side, nor will I ever be. I've lived on both sides of this so called "fence". First not believing in God and justifying why. Then believing in God and feeling so self-righteous about my beliefs I felt it was my "duty" to shove it down other's throats.
What brought me to where I am today was the realization that I don't know everything and never will. Realizing that when I suppose myself to be an end all authority on something more often than not my actions are hurting others and not helping as I would intend them to. Realizing that I am not any less capable of doing wrong just because of my belief in God. If anything I'm to live by a higher standard of behavior because of what I believe. And finally, understanding that who I am is ok no matter what anyone else thinks or says about me. It is nice to have kudo's from people, but I guarantee they won't be there sometimes when you need them. It hurts sometimes when people say rude things, but that doesn't change who I am on the inside. These are my personal convictions that drive the conscience I try to live by every day.
I don't want to hurt you by the things I have said, I only want you to consider what you do before you do it. No matter what you say or do, you are representing something to others. I needed to share this because it's been bugging me, and I just needed to speak my mind. Take care ya'll. I'll be thinking of you.
Miss Eppie, you know well that i do not hold the beliefs that you do, nor accept your reasons for believing as you do. I think it not unreasonable to say i've tried to treat you fairly when we discuss, or debate or argue. At all events, i have been impressed since first i saw you with your character. I admire your integrity, and this passage confirms my estimation of your worth.
...uh, what he said.
Seriously though, very noble thing to do, Hep
Setanta, thank you. You have truly been the most fair with me dispite our differences in belief and I am grateful for that. I don't know if you realize it but you have a reputation here that precede's you. I chose not to believe it because I know that we are comprised of more than people see on the outside. You have in all points impressed me as well because in your dealings with me you have shown you are a person of integrity also.
Well what good is this site if reasonable people are going to discuss things in a reasonable respectful manner, I ask ya?
LOL dys... you always make me laugh!
blaise, I believe that it has been proven through mine and setanta's discussions that being on opposing sides of an issue is still reason enough for a debate. One does not have to be rude or disrespectful in any manner to get their point across. And usually points are received better (even if they are still disagreed with) without all the extra hoopla thrown in there...
You make such good points, Hephzibah... And judging by your post (though I haven't read anything else of yours), I'd say you do a great job speaking with respect.
I know that sometimes I don't take the time to see another poster as a person - a person who deserves respect. It's important not to belittle the other person or his argument just to elevate my own. If I profess to love others but don't show them respect, I am a hypocrite of the worst kind.
So thank you for the reminder. I know that we can always use it.
If all christians saw from you perspective there wouldn't be a problem.
I find myself able to repect your position more and more these days.
Hey, heph. I just caught this thread. Youse ok wid me, sister.
But what's this talk about camps? Nobody invited me to no stinkin camp. Whose bringing the marshmallows? Are the tents co-ed? This better not be no stinkin revival camp or I'm outta here.
I just want to say thank you to you all. You really are too kind.
I'll bring the marshmallows if you bring the chocolate! And hmmm who will bring the gramcrackers? We'll sing songs around the campfire and have a whooraaahing good time! Whoooooooo! LOL....
pulls up a lawnchair next to the fire
did you bring the gramcrackers husker?
I have whatever you need to get the party going.
Whooo hooooo!
We're missing JB... and everyone else...
bwaaaa hahaha!
It's so nice to see everyone getting along so well together. Mmmmm the fire feels good.
I love the quiet of a night in the woods. the stars shining. a nice breeze, and a fire crackling. I feel very at peace...